Politeja (Jun 2020)
Syndrom efektu Lucyfera w polityce międzykulturowej – wnioski dla Europy
Lucifer Effect Syndrome in the Intercultural Politics – Conclusions for Europe Lucifer Effect is a process which progress gradually, slowly usually in mostly imperceptible way. That makes it especially dangerous because the society has just a little ability to identify its symptoms and phases. That is why, even if academics verify their concepts empirically it is always a crucial problem to warn the society of destructive conflict approaching. The paradox of conflict is that it is the fundamental for democracy (different opinions, minority rights etc.) and at the same time can be disastrous for this system and people living in. That paradox makes the “events horizon” very hard to determine and be aware of it. When society pass it, it can be too late to reconstruct the stability and security in short term, and even worst disasters happen. The aim of this text is to present the Lucifer Effect as the example realizing to the society the threats arising from the negative intercultural conflicts.