Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych (Mar 2021)
Doświadczanie stresu wśród oficerów Wojska Polskiego, kadry kierowniczej i osób na specjalistycznych stanowiskach w kontekście ich wieku
The subject of this study is the issue of stress among professional Polish Army officers in confrontation with other people employed in managerial positions. Its aim is to identify differences in the experience of stress, factors co-occurring and factors conditioning the experience of stress depending on age. The article is theoretical and empirical in nature. A total of 102 people from three equal groups of 34 people each participated in the study. The Sense of Stress Questionnaire (KPS) meeting the psychometric requirements was used during the study. As a result of the research, the Polish Army officers participating in the research turned out to be a unique group, significantly different from their colleagues employed in managerial and specialist positions.