Clio y Asociados (Oct 2017)
¿Almacenar o construir memoria? La educación patrimonial y el pensamiento crítico
Cultural heritage is an intelectual construction which is mediated by the presence of an interpretive discourse. The establishment of a critical look at the heritage or the patrimonialization society process is essential. The assignment of values to the everyday, the near and the significant is bound up with scientific mediation and the emotional experience of the viewer. Heritage is not enough by itself. Even if you intend to only aesthetic and sensory experience, it is necessary to previously handle references that allow you to perform this type of analysis. Knowledge and understanding of the heritage triggers the symbolic appropriation, the characterization of cultural contexts and the definition of a reference own identity with specific values of the present. The ability of education to transform the meaning of the assets and provide interpretative key is the point of departure or arrival of a much larger game: sustainability as a result of learning.