Medisan (Mar 2012)

Hipertensión endocraneana benigna en un niño intoxicado por plomo Benign endocraneal hypertension in a lead intoxicated child

  • Yaquelín Valverde Torres,
  • Félix Edgardo Villalón Pimentel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 3
pp. 456 – 460


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Se expone el caso clínico de un escolar de 5 años de edad, que un mes antes de su ingreso presentaba alteraciones neuroconductuales, cefalea y síntomas generales, además de ser tratado ambulatoriamente a causa de anemia carencial. Ingresó en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Infantil Sur Docente de Santiago de Cuba con hipertensión endocraneana benigna y evolutivamente se le diagnosticó una intoxicación plúmbica, al manipularse sustancias que contenían plomo en su medio familiar, el cual penetró en su organismo por vías oral e inhalatoria. Ese hallazgo constituyó el punto de partida para la confirmación de otros afectados por el citado metal en su entorno comunitario.The case report of a 5 year-old school child who a month before beginning school had neurobehavioral alterations, migraine and general symptoms is presented. He had been treated in the out-patient department due to lacking anemia. He was admitted to the Intensive Care Pediatric Unit from the Southern Teaching Children Hospital in Santiago de Cuba with benign endocraneal hypertension and during the clinical course he was diagnosed a lead intoxication,when substances that contained lead were manipulated in his house , which penetrated his organism through oral and inhalatory routes. This finding constituted the starting point for the confirmation of other members of his community affected by the mentioned metal.
