USEJ: Unnes Science Education Journal (Feb 2017)
Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis PCK guru dan calon guru kimia serta implementasinya dalam pembelajaran pada materi Buffer. Subjek penelitian deskriptif adalah 2 calon guru Kimia yang mengontarak mata kuliah Perencanaan Pembelajaran Kimia (PPK), dan 2 guru kimia peserta kegiatan MGMP kota Semarang. Kemampuan PCK dianalisis dari hasil pengisian CoRe, serta keterkaitannya dengan RPP dan LKS. Implementasi PCK di kelas diobservasi melalui lesson study untuk guru, dan melalui peer dan micro teaching untuk calon guru. Hasil analisis CoRe menunjukkan bahwa gambaran PCK calon guru lebih runtut, detail, dan lebih lengkap dibandingkan guru. Mahasiswa calon guru lebih memperhatikan apersepsi dan aspek konstruktivis yang tampak LKS konstruktivis yang disusun. Baik guru maupun calon guru masih belum mencantumkan penurunan persamaan Buffer, sedangkan untuk mekanisme kerja Buffer hanya calon guru yang menuliskan baik dalam CoRe maupun LKS. Beberapa hal yang mulai dipertimbangkan guru maupun calon guru setelah pelatihan dan pembekalan PCK adalah dalam hal penulisan RPP dan LKS memikirkan apersepsi, materi prasyarat, keluasan dan kedalaman materi, dan strategi pembelajaran agar siswa mampu mengkonstruk pengetahuannya. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ This study aimed to analyze the PCK chemistry teachers and prospective teachers and the implementation of learning in matter Buffer. Subjects are two prospective descriptive study Chemistry teacher who mengontarak subjects Chemistry Lesson Planning (KDP), and the second chemistry teacher MGMPs participants in the city of Semarang. PCK analyzed the ability of the results of the charging cores, as well as its association with RPP and LKS. Implementation of PCK in the classroom through lesson study observed for teachers, and through peer and micro teaching for prospective teachers. Core analysis results indicate that the picture PCK prospective teachers more coherent, detailed, and more complete than the teacher. Student teachers pay more attention apersepsi and constructivist aspects that seem LKS constructivist arranged. Both teachers and prospective teachers still have not included a decrease in Buffer equation, whereas for the working mechanism Buffer only prospective teachers who wrote in both the core and LKS. Some things that have been considered teachers and prospective teachers after the training and equipping PCK is in writing lesson plans and worksheets apersepsi thinking, material requirements, the breadth and depth of the material, and learning strategies so that students are able to construct knowledge.