Zograf (Jan 2014)
The iconography of light. A possible interpretation of the decoration of a three nozzle lamp from Viminacium
This paper focuses on offering a possible iconographic interpretation of the decoration of a rare three nozzle lamp discovered in the ancient city of Viminacium, on the locality of a necropolis called Pećine, dated to the early fourth century. Among the numerous lamps unearthed at the site of this prominent Roman city, capital of Moesia Superior, this example stands out for its rectangular shape, three nozzles and a decoration of high artistic merit consisting of geometric and floral ornaments. Considering the function and meaning of lamps within the framework of Early Christian teachings, liturgy and burial practices, this imagery can be understood as visualization of concepts related to perceptions of eternity and otherworldly, divine light. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036]