EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things (Jan 2018)
On the design of a sustainable ocean drifter for developing countries
More than fifty low and medium income countries rely on the sea for their economies. Despite its importance, there is a lack of oceanographic scientific data from these countries due to the high cost of equipment and to the running costs of measurement campaigns. In this paper we present a low-cost drifter based on a LoRa communication platform and tested in a coastal area (Gulf of Trieste). The system, built using low-cost off-the-shelf components, has at least the same performances of drifters that costs about three times as much and its operation does not require any recurring costs. The use of a LoRa allows several drifters to operate simultaneously in the same area, providing a rich and homogeneous database for the statistical post processing. The high transmission rate allows an almost instantaneous position determination, facilitating the drifter recovery for successive reuse, which essential in developing countries.