Entre-Lugar (Aug 2017)
Geographs of a hard day’s night: spacializing The Beatles
This is the unfolding of the Scientific Initiation research GEOGRAPHICAL LANGUAGES: OTHER SPACE SENSES IN A HARD DAY’S NIGHT (Scholarship CNPq/UNESP), developed in the Geographic Languages Research Group (GPLG). We focus on the dialogue between geographic, philosophical and artistic languages, to contribute with new meanings for already consolidated geographical references in the institutionalized context of the school universe. Here we will experience such a way through possible encounters based on the writings of the so-called Philosophy of Difference, notably by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and other thinkers. The fi lm A Hard Day’s Night (1964) was chosen to think of the cinema as a power of significations to the geographical language. With the analysis of some frames of the film, we will approach the meaning of its composition from the processes of capitalist subjectivation, which territorialize ways of expressing, acting, thinking and desiring, that delimit the space force of life in society and that reverberates in the reference points of orientation and encourage that young people choose as parameters to be territorialized in the world from the place where they are.