Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Dec 2022)
La contraddittoria parabola ideologica e organizzativa di Forza Italia. Dalla fondazione al congresso di Milano del 1998
The article provides a reflection on the origins and transformation of Forza Italia from 1994 up to the 1998 Milan congress. First, I will explore the founding myths and rhetoric, then the ideological and organizational paths, and finally the causes of the following changes. Forza Italia was born as a movement with decidedly original characteristics: a light party – as opposed to the “heavy” organizations that had dominated the so-called First Republic – and with strong references to liberal ideals that had remained substantially marginal in the public debate of previous decades. Already after its first year, in 1995, a rather radical phase of organizational transformation and ideological readjustment begins in Forza Italia. This transformative phase will also be accompanied by major changes in the leadership of the party.