Nutrición Hospitalaria (Dec 2006)

Calidad de la dieta, sobrepeso y obesidad en estudiantes universitarios Diet quality, overweight and obesity in university students

  • M. Arroyo Izaga,
  • A. M.ª Rocandio Pablo,
  • L. Ansotegui Alday,
  • E. Pascual Apalauza,
  • I. Salces Beti,
  • E. Rebato Ochoa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 6
pp. 673 – 679


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Objetivo: Valorar la calidad de la dieta y examinar su relación con el sobrepeso y obesidad en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios. Sujetos: La muestra estuvo formada por 749 voluntarios (68% mujeres y 32% hombres) de la Universidad del País Vasco, de carácter público. La media de edad fue de 21,52 ± 2,50 años. Material y métodos: Se utilizó un cuestionario de frecuencias de consumo de alimentos adaptado y validado frente a un cuestionario de 24 horas. A partir de los datos recogidos en el cuestionario de frecuencias, se estimó un índice de calidad de la dieta con una puntuación entre 0 y 50 puntos. El índice de masa corporal se utilizó como criterio de sobrepeso u obesidad. Se registraron datos demográficos (edad, sexo) y de estilo de vida (hábito tabáquico y consumo de alcohol). El análisis estadístico se llevó a cabo con el programa SPSS vs 13.0. El nivel de significación estadística que se empleó en todos los casos fue de P Objective: To assess diet quality and to examine the association between diet quality and overweight and obesity in a group of university students. Subjects: Our simple consisted of 749 volunteer students of the State University of the Basque Country (68% females and 32% males). Mean age was 21.52 ± 2.50 years old. Methods: Dietary intake data were obtained from food frequency questionnaire. This questionnaire was validated using a 24 hour recall technique. From these data the diet quality index score was calculated. The total diet quality index score ranges from 0 to 50. Body mass index was used as criteria to identify overweight and obesity.Demographic data (age, sex), smoking status and alcohol use were also registered. The statistical analyses were performed with SPSS vs 13.0. Significance level P < 0.05. Results: Prevalence of overweight and obesity for the total sample was 17.5% (25% in males and 13.9% in females). The mean diet quality index was 31.93 ± 5.62.The diet quality index score was higher in women and among individuals who have a consumption of alcohol lower than 3 times per week. The mean diet quality index was significantly lower among obese and overweight subjects compared to the normal weight individuals in total sample and in men. Conclusions: Our results suggest that diet quality is associated with overweight and obesity in this population, and that this association varied across sex groups and groups according to alcohol consumption. Since the diet quality index is based on the Dietary Guidelines, the use of these guidelines as a way to improve health should be emphasized.
