
Publisher supporter model

We rely on the support of publishers and libraries so we can uphold our commitment to ensuring that our journal reviewing and metadata services remain free for all. The publishers on this page have chosen to show their commitment to quality, peer-reviewed open access by supporting DOAJ. We thank them, as our work would not be possible without them.


We always publish our simplified support prices openly, in line with our commitment to the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure.

We only accept support through our publisher supporter model from publishers with journals already indexed in DOAJ. Non-commercial/institutional rates are only available to community-led, smaller publishers with limited funding. Contact us if you are unsure which category applies or if you want to discuss ways of further contributing to DOAJ's operating costs.

Commercial publishers

Band Number of journals in DOAJ GBPs (£)*
A 600+ 26,000
B 400-599 21,000
C 150-399 18,000
D 100-149 15,000
E 50-99 8500
F 30-49 6400
G 10-29 5200
H 1-9 3700

Non-commercial / institutional publishers

Band Number of journals in DOAJ GBPs (£)*
C 150-399 3600
D 100-149 3100
E 50-99 2600
F 30-49 2100
G 10-29 1550
H 1-9 1050

*A 50% discount is available for supporters in Low- and Middle-Income Countries according to the World Bank classification.


  1. Your logo on the DOAJ website
  2. A blog post during the year thanking all our supporters
  3. A DOAJ Supporter logo that you can use on your website
  4. An option to download a copy of all our data
  5. A personal DOAJ contact to whom all enquiries regarding your applications and updates can be directed

Sponsorship opportunities

We are particularly grateful to those publishers who can contribute over and above these amounts. In these cases, we can offer sponsorship opportunities that enhance our services and support open access globally, for example:

  • Specific technical developments
  • Ambassador programme
  • Webinar programmes and events

Please contact us to discuss further.

Supporting publishers, aggregators, and other organizations