Ендоваскулярна нейрорентгенохірургія

2304-9359 (Print)  / 2663-6964 (Online)

Continued by Українська Інтервенційна Нейрорадіологія та Хірургія


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Articles digitally archived in:

  • e-Library
  • A national library: Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Permanent article identifier:

  • DOI

Journal metadata

Allukrainian Association of Endovascular Neuroradiology , Ukraine
Other organisation
Scientific-Practical Center of Endovascular Neuroradiology, NAMS of Ukraine"; PL Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Manuscripts accepted in
English, Ukrainian, Russian

Added 7 July 2019 • Updated 23 August 2021