Grasas y Aceites (Jun 2003)
The new database “Seed oil Fatty Acids” (SOFA)
More than 30 years i n formation about the fatty acid composit ion of wi ld plant seeds was collected f rom the appropriate pharmaceutical, botanical and chemical literature by the former Institute for Chemistry and Physics of Lipids of the Federal Center for Cereal, Potato and Lipid Research in Münster. Since it was very difficult to search this unique source of information, the collection was transferred into an electronically searchable database. This plan was supported by financial assistance of the German Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture. Since some month the database is available in the internet (http:\\ free of charge. Up to now more than 18.000 different tables with about 110.000 individual data are recallable from the database, by different types of search forms. An overview about the application of the different search forms as well as some examples for searches is given in this publication.