Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Dec 2011)

依據Wallace 模式分析語言教師專業成長模式及應用 Analysis of Language Teachers’ Professional Development Based on Wallace’s Models and Its Implications

  • 簡靜雯 Chien, Chin-Wen Grace

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 67 – 82


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從2009 秋天開始,英語輔導專員在美國的Wendell(匿名)提供英語教師研習,研習II(匿名)是十二個小時的研習課程,旨在提供英語教師更加了解何謂學術語言以及如何教學術語言。本文利用Wallace(1991)的綜合模式來分析研習II,研究資料包括觀察記錄、訪談和資料分析。Wallace(1991)的綜合模式在研習II 被使用,該模式的使用使的不同需求的英語教師更加瞭解學術語言的知識和具備教學術語言的技能。與技藝傳承模式和反省探究模式相比較下,應用科學模式較常在研習II 被使用。語言教師培訓者在設計和提供語言教師專業成長時應該涵括Wallace(1991)的三種模式,如此一來,語言教師才能習得必備的知識和技能,內在和外在的輸入來源應該被融入於語言教師專業成長的任何階段中。 Starting in fall 2009 English language learner 〔ELL〕 instructional coaches began to provide workshops to ELL teachers in Wendell (pseudonym) in the United States. Workshop II (pseudonym) was a twelve-hour course to support ELL teachers in developing a better understanding of what academic language is and how to teach it. This paper uses Wallace’s (1991) integrative model to analyze the Workshop II. Data in this study included observational fieldnotes, interviews, and documents. Wallace’s (1991) integrative model of teacher learning was employed in Workshop II and such integration made knowledge and skills regarding academic language more accessible to ELL teacher participants with diverse needs. The applied science model was practiced more in Workshop II than the craft and reflective models. Language teacher trainers should include Wallace’s three models in their design and deliver of professional development for language teachers. As a result, new knowledge and skills will be acquired by language teachers and both internal and external sources of input can be included at all stages of professional development for teachers.
