Enfances, Familles, Générations (Dec 2012)
Les descendants d'immigrés en couple mixteau prisme de l'enquête « Trajectoires et Origines »
This article describes the marital option ‘mixed couple’ for North-African, Turkish and Sahelian descendants of immigrants in France. It links the cultural and social factors contributing to marital choice. The survey Trajectoires et Origines (INED-INSEE, 2008) provides statistical data on marital options (endogamous or mixed couples) and allows us to compare them with couples where both are French by origin. Mixed couples differ from the endogamous and also from French couples. They are similar to the French control couples with respect to their marital status (unmarried cohabitation) and to where they met each other, but on the other hand, they are closer to endogamous couples as regards their residential situations and religious beliefs.