Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Dec 2019)
新北市國民小學跨校英語教師專業學習社群之個案研究 A Case Study on an Inter-school Professional Learning Community of Elementary School English Teachers in New Taipei City
本研究以一經營達七年之新北市國民小學跨校英語教師專業學習社群為研究個案(簡稱社群化名為 MET),探究跨校社群之發展歷程與運作情形、成員長期參與該跨校社群之動機,以及跨校社群發展效益、困境與因應策略。資料蒐集方式兼採訪談、參與觀察社群活動及文件分析等三者。受訪對象為五位參與社群達五年以上之成員,包含二名社群召集人與三位參與教師。研究結果發現:一、MET 運作機制多元且客製化,朝自主性教 師專業學習社群之歷程發展;二、MET 社群成員長期參與社群之動機強烈,植基於教師追求自我成長、異質性的成員組合、社群效益以及情感支持等因素;三、MET 跨校社群具促進參與教師持續精進專業、改善學生學習、帶動校內教師學習氛圍之效益,且 MET已發展出諸多困境因應策略。最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議。 This case study investigates the development of a 7-year inter-school elementary school English teachers’ professional learning community (PLC) in New Taipei City called MET inter-school PLC and teachers’ willingness toward participation, as well as their impact, roadblocks and strategies. Data were collected through interviews, participant observations of PLC activities, and document analysis. The five interviewees included two community leaders and three participant teachers who have been in this group for over five years. The findings of this study are as follows. 1.MET inter-school PLC includes various and customized operation practices and has been developing into a PLC of teacher autonomy. 2.Based on teachers’ professional development needs, various member sources, their effects, and social support from MET inter-school PLC, the participants have developed a high willingness towards sustained participation. 3.MET inter-school PLC has improved teachers’ professional development and learners’ achievement and also has positively influenced the participants’ schools. Moreover, some challenges for MET inter-school PLC were solved. Based on the research results, this study has proposed some suggestions to be put into use.