New Journal of Physics (Jan 2018)

Classical simulation of photonic linear optics with lost particles

  • Michał Oszmaniec,
  • Daniel J Brod

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 9
p. 092002


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We explore the possibility of efficient classical simulation of linear optics experiments under the effect of particle losses. Specifically, we investigate the canonical boson sampling scenario in which an n -particle Fock input state propagates through a linear-optical network and is subsequently measured by particle-number detectors in the m output modes. We examine two models of losses. In the first model a fixed number of particles is lost. We prove that in this scenario the output statistics can be well approximated by an efficient classical simulation, provided that the number of photons that is left grows slower than $\sqrt{n}$ . In the second loss model, every time a photon passes through a beamsplitter in the network, it has some probability of being lost. For this model the relevant parameter is s , the smallest number of beamsplitters that any photon traverses as it propagates through the network. We prove that it is possible to approximately simulate the output statistics already if s grows logarithmically with m , regardless of the geometry of the network. The latter result is obtained by proving that it is always possible to commute s layers of uniform losses to the input of the network regardless of its geometry, which could be a result of independent interest. We believe that our findings put strong limitations on future experimental realizations of quantum computational supremacy proposals based on boson sampling.
