IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society (Jan 2020)
Modeling of DC - AC NBTI Stress - Recovery Time Kinetics in P-Channel Planar Bulk and FDSOI MOSFETs and FinFETs
The physics-based BTI Analysis Tool (BAT) is used to model the time kinetics of threshold voltage shift (ΔVT) during and after NBTI in p-channel planar bulk and FDSOI MOSFETs and SOI FinFETs. BAT uses uncorrelated contributions from the trap generation at the channel/gate insulator interface (ΔVIT) and gate insulator bulk (ΔVOT), and hole trapping in pre-existing gate insulator bulk traps (ΔVHT). The ΔVIT kinetics is simulated by the Reaction-Diffusion (RD) model. The empirical ΔVHT model used earlier is now substituted by the Activated Barrier Double Well Thermionic (ABDWT) model. The ABDWT model is also used to verify the time constant of the electron capture induced fast ΔVIT recovery. Empirical equations are used for ΔVOT. The enhanced BAT modeling framework is validated using measured data from a wide range of experimental conditions and across different device architectures and gate insulator processes.