Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology (Apr 2024)
Evaluation of Consumer Attitudes Regarding Local Brand Milk and Dairy Products: Case of Süleymanpaşa Districts of Tekirdağ-Türkiye
Since the concept of brand has a wide and diverse range, it is divided into different groups from different perspectives. Local brands are products that are produced, manufactured, and sold by a company in a specific city or that are distributed in a constrained area. This study’s primary goal is to assess how local brands selling milk and dairy products in a particular region are perceived by local consumers. It also seeks to analyze the standing of local producers in this sector and consumer attitudes toward regionally branded goods by highlighting the significance of milk and dairy products in terms of human health. The study makes use of survey information from 381 households in Süleymanpaşa Districts of Tekirdağ-Türkiye. The data were analyzed using fundamental statistical techniques, factor analysis, and logistic regression analysis. In the survey, it was found that 85.0% of participants were familiar with the idea of local brand, while just 15.0% were not. Consumers who said they buy local brand milk and dairy products made up 78% of the sample. Consumers found local products to be more natural and tastier than national brands. According to the factor analysis, the judgements influencing customers’ preference for local brand milk and dairy products were classified into five factors. These factors are named as naturalness and quality, price and promotion, health, food safety, brand and image. Logistic regression analysis was used to explain the association between purchasing local brand milk and dairy products and factor scores, as well as knowing the notion of local brand. Those who favor “Naturalness and Quality” in purchased milk and dairy products are nearly three times more likely than those who do not to purchase local brand milk and dairy goods. With a probability of 68.4%, those who do not understand the notion of local brand will not purchase local branded products.