Student Success (Mar 2023)
Editorial Volume 14 Issue 1 2023
Issue 1 of Volume 14 is published at an exciting and challenging time for education. The availability of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is causing disruption across sectors. Responses range from complete bans in some compulsory education and tertiary institutions, to putting in place creative ways to deploy these new technologies as productive learning and work tools. The concerns about the risks to integrity of assessment and reputational risks to institutions and sectors are valid and also require close attention. In a short time, a lot of advice has been offered and forums discussing approaches to integrating generative AI into work as well as assessment practices abound. The Student Success team has been watching these developments with great interest. We believe these tools have utility for both learning practice and helping build students’ capacity to succeed. We look forward to receiving evidence-based submissions on this important topic for future issues. In this general issue we present a broad spectrum of articles and practice reports on student engagement, this time with authors from Australia, South Africa, Canada and the US.