Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Dec 2020)
Shulman 的教學推理在國中國文教師訊息類文本教學轉化之 應用研究 Application of Shulman’s Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Framework on the Teaching of Informational Text among Junior High School Chinese Teachers
本研究以 Shulman 等人的三層次教學推理模式作為分析架構,研究 11 位國中國文科教師在新課綱實施前,即在自己班級實施訊息類文本教學的教學實踐歷程。研究目的在瞭解國文科教師對訊息類文本教學的理念與詮釋,以及教師如何在教學推理中,將其知識轉化為幫助學生學習的「可教性」的知識。研究發現有三:其一,影響教師實施訊息類文本教學的因素有個人與政策因素。我國近年來推動閱讀素養教育,促使許多教師進行訊息類文本教學,但還需要社群與環境因素的配合,才能讓每一位教師得到所需的專業發展支持;其二,參與教師實施訊息類文本教學的策略有「文本與策略分開處理」、「使用多元教學表徵」及「以學生興趣與生活議題為選材依據」三種,可供其他教師參考;其三,教師需要更有系統的教師專業研習課程,幫助他們規劃訊息類文本的課程並實施讀寫合一的教學。本研究之結論有助於師資培育或研習機構啟動全國性的調查,了解教師在實施訊息類文本的準備度與需求,支持教師在新課綱架構下,達成實踐跨領域文本教學的任務。 The study investigated ten junior high school Chinese teachers’ instructional implementation and thought processes regarding informational text instruction (ITI) during the transition of the national curriculum policy. By applying Shulman et al.’s three-layered conceptual framework of pedagogical reasoning and action, the author aimed to unpack the participating teachers’ ideals and interpretations of ITI and uncover how they transferred informational texts to become teachable lessons. The author drew three conclusions based on teacher interviews, classroom observations, and teaching plan analysis. First, both individual and policy level factors in the past decade have reinforced Chinese teachers’ implementation of ITI in school education. However, additional community and environmental supports are crucial to teachers’ professional development with respect to ITI. Second, teachers have leveraged the power of “splitting the instruction of reading strategies and content of ITI”, “multiple representation”, and “interest and experience-based text selection” as key ITI strategies. Third, systematic and organized in-service or pre-service training for ITI will better equip Chinese teachers in developing bifocal curricula for reading and writing. The above findings call for nation-wide and large-scale research to survey teachers’ ITI readiness, so that the new 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines’ interdisciplinary integrated curriculum can be put into realization via ITI.