Matching, mismatching and rematching: literal interpretation in legal and literary argumentation
Oscar Enrique Torres Rodríguez
Oscar Enrique Torres Rodríguez
Becario del Fondo Especial de Investigación (Fond Spécial de Recherche, FSR); Candidato a doctor en ciencias jurídicas por la Universidad Saint-Louis de Bruselas (Bélgica) bajo la tutoría del Dr. François Ost; Maestro en Derecho por la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica) con especialidad en derecho de la Unión europea; Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y Bachelor en Derecho por la Universidad Saint-Louis de Bruselas.
Starting, on the one hand, from the existence of literal interpretation in the legal and literary spheres and, on the other hand, from their different status in these fields of study, the following question arises: how can a meeting point between the status of the literal interpretation method be possible between the fields of law and literature? To that end, it is necessary to have a perspective of argumentation pragmatics in general, in attempt to reveal a meeting point between literal interpretation in legal and in literary argumentation.