New Journal of Physics (Jan 2014)
Observation of and evidence for decays
- The LHCb Collaboration1,
- R Aaij,
- B Adeva,
- M Adinolfi,
- A Affolder,
- Z Ajaltouni,
- S Akar,
- J Albrecht,
- F Alessio,
- M Alexander,
- S Ali,
- G Alkhazov,
- P Alvarez Cartelle,
- A A Alves Jr,
- S Amato,
- S Amerio,
- Y Amhis,
- L An,
- L Anderlini,
- J Anderson,
- R Andreassen,
- M Andreotti,
- J E Andrews,
- R B Appleby,
- O Aquines Gutierrez,
- F Archilli,
- A Artamonov,
- M Artuso,
- E Aslanides,
- G Auriemma,
- M Baalouch,
- S Bachmann,
- J J Back,
- A Badalov,
- W Baldini,
- R J Barlow,
- C Barschel,
- S Barsuk,
- W Barter,
- V Batozskaya,
- V Battista,
- A Bay,
- L Beaucourt,
- J Beddow,
- F Bedeschi,
- I Bediaga,
- S Belogurov,
- K Belous,
- I Belyaev,
- E Ben-Haim,
- G Bencivenni,
- S Benson,
- J Benton,
- A Berezhnoy,
- R Bernet,
- M-O Bettler,
- M van Beuzekom,
- A Bien,
- S Bifani,
- T Bird,
- A Bizzeti,
- P M Bjørnstad,
- T Blake,
- F Blanc,
- J Blouw,
- S Blusk,
- V Bocci,
- A Bondar,
- N Bondar,
- W Bonivento,
- S Borghi,
- A Borgia,
- M Borsato,
- T J V Bowcock,
- E Bowen,
- C Bozzi,
- T Brambach,
- J van den Brand,
- J Bressieux,
- D Brett,
- M Britsch,
- T Britton,
- J Brodzicka,
- N H Brook,
- H Brown,
- A Bursche,
- G Busetto,
- J Buytaert,
- S Cadeddu,
- R Calabrese,
- M Calvi,
- M Calvo Gomez,
- P Campana,
- D Campora Perez,
- A Carbone,
- G Carboni,
- R Cardinale,
- A Cardini,
- L Carson,
- K Carvalho Akiba,
- G Casse,
- L Cassina,
- L Castillo Garcia,
- M Cattaneo,
- Ch Cauet,
- R Cenci,
- M Charles,
- Ph Charpentier,
- M Chefdeville,
- S Chen,
- S-F Cheung,
- N Chiapolini,
- M Chrzaszcz,
- K Ciba,
- X Cid Vidal,
- G Ciezarek,
- P E L Clarke,
- M Clemencic,
- H V Cliff,
- J Closier,
- V Coco,
- J Cogan,
- E Cogneras,
- L Cojocariu,
- P Collins,
- A Comerma-Montells,
- A Contu,
- A Cook,
- M Coombes,
- S Coquereau,
- G Corti,
- M Corvo,
- I Counts,
- B Couturier,
- G A Cowan,
- D C Craik,
- M Cruz Torres,
- S Cunliffe,
- R Currie,
- C D’Ambrosio,
- J Dalseno,
- P David,
- P N Y David,
- A Davis,
- K De Bruyn,
- S De Capua,
- M De Cian,
- J M De Miranda,
- L De Paula,
- W De Silva,
- P De Simone,
- D Decamp,
- M Deckenhoff,
- L Del Buono,
- N Déléage,
- D Derkach,
- O Deschamps,
- F Dettori,
- A Di Canto,
- H Dijkstra,
- S Donleavy,
- F Dordei,
- M Dorigo,
- A Dosil Suárez,
- D Dossett,
- A Dovbnya,
- K Dreimanis,
- G Dujany,
- F Dupertuis,
- P Durante,
- R Dzhelyadin,
- A Dziurda,
- A Dzyuba,
- S Easo,
- U Egede,
- V Egorychev,
- S Eidelman,
- S Eisenhardt,
- U Eitschberger,
- R Ekelhof,
- L Eklund,
- I El Rifai,
- Ch Elsasser,
- S Ely,
- S Esen,
- H-M Evans,
- T Evans,
- A Falabella,
- C Färber,
- C Farinelli,
- N Farley,
- S Farry,
- R F Fay,
- D Ferguson,
- V Fernandez Albor,
- F Ferreira Rodrigues,
- M Ferro-Luzzi,
- S Filippov,
- M Fiore,
- M Fiorini,
- M Firlej,
- C Fitzpatrick,
- T Fiutowski,
- M Fontana,
- F Fontanelli,
- R Forty,
- O Francisco,
- M Frank,
- C Frei,
- M Frosini,
- J Fu,
- E Furfaro,
- A Gallas Torreira,
- D Galli,
- S Gallorini,
- S Gambetta,
- M Gandelman,
- P Gandini,
- Y Gao,
- J García Pardiñas,
- J Garofoli,
- J Garra Tico,
- L Garrido,
- C Gaspar,
- R Gauld,
- L Gavardi,
- G Gavrilov,
- A Geraci,
- E Gersabeck,
- M Gersabeck,
- T Gershon,
- Ph Ghez,
- A Gianelle,
- S Giani’,
- V Gibson,
- L Giubega,
- V V Gligorov,
- C Göbel,
- D Golubkov,
- A Golutvin,
- A Gomes,
- C Gotti,
- M Grabalosa Gándara,
- R Graciani Diaz,
- L A Granado Cardoso,
- E Graugés,
- G Graziani,
- A Grecu,
- E Greening,
- S Gregson,
- P Griffith,
- L Grillo,
- O Grünberg,
- B Gui,
- E Gushchin,
- Yu Guz,
- T Gys,
- C Hadjivasiliou,
- G Haefeli,
- C Haen,
- S C Haines,
- S Hall,
- B Hamilton,
- T Hampson,
- X Han,
- S Hansmann-Menzemer,
- N Harnew,
- S T Harnew,
- J Harrison,
- J He,
- T Head,
- V Heijne,
- K Hennessy,
- P Henrard,
- L Henry,
- J A Hernando Morata,
- E van Herwijnen,
- M Heß,
- A Hicheur,
- D Hill,
- M Hoballah,
- C Hombach,
- W Hulsbergen,
- P Hunt,
- N Hussain,
- D Hutchcroft,
- D Hynds,
- M Idzik,
- P Ilten,
- R Jacobsson,
- A Jaeger,
- J Jalocha,
- E Jans,
- P Jaton,
- A Jawahery,
- F Jing,
- M John,
- D Johnson,
- C R Jones,
- C Joram,
- B Jost,
- N Jurik,
- M Kaballo,
- S Kandybei,
- W Kanso,
- M Karacson,
- T M Karbach,
- S Karodia,
- M Kelsey,
- I R Kenyon,
- T Ketel,
- B Khanji,
- C Khurewathanakul,
- S Klaver,
- K Klimaszewski,
- O Kochebina,
- M Kolpin,
- I Komarov,
- R F Koopman,
- P Koppenburg,
- M Korolev,
- A Kozlinskiy,
- L Kravchuk,
- K Kreplin,
- M Kreps,
- G Krocker,
- P Krokovny,
- F Kruse,
- W Kucewicz,
- M Kucharczyk,
- V Kudryavtsev,
- K Kurek,
- T Kvaratskheliya,
- V N LaThi,
- D Lacarrere,
- G Lafferty,
- A Lai,
- D Lambert,
- R W Lambert,
- G Lanfranchi,
- C Langenbruch,
- B Langhans,
- T Latham,
- C Lazzeroni,
- R Le Gac,
- J van Leerdam,
- J-P Lees,
- R Lefèvre,
- A Leflat,
- J Lefrançois,
- S Leo,
- O Leroy,
- T Lesiak,
- B Leverington,
- Y Li,
- T Likhomanenko,
- M Liles,
- R Lindner,
- C Linn,
- F Lionetto,
- B Liu,
- S Lohn,
- I Longstaff,
- J H Lopes,
- N Lopez-March,
- P Lowdon,
- H Lu,
- D Lucchesi,
- H Luo,
- A Lupato,
- E Luppi,
- O Lupton,
- F Machefert,
- I V Machikhiliyan,
- F Maciuc,
- O Maev,
- S Malde,
- A Malinin,
- G Manca,
- G Mancinelli,
- A Mapelli,
- J Maratas,
- J F Marchand,
- U Marconi,
- C Marin Benito,
- P Marino,
- R Märki,
- J Marks,
- G Martellotti,
- A Martens,
- A Martín Sánchez,
- M Martinelli,
- D Martinez Santos,
- F Martinez Vidal,
- D Martins Tostes,
- A Massafferri,
- R Matev,
- Z Mathe,
- C Matteuzzi,
- A Mazurov,
- M McCann,
- J McCarthy,
- A McNab,
- R McNulty,
- B McSkelly,
- B Meadows,
- F Meier,
- M Meissner,
- M Merk,
- D A Milanes,
- M-N Minard,
- N Moggi,
- J Molina Rodriguez,
- S Monteil,
- M Morandin,
- P Morawski,
- A Mordà,
- M J Morello,
- J Moron,
- A-B Morris,
- R Mountain,
- F Muheim,
- K Müller,
- M Mussini,
- B Muster,
- P Naik,
- T Nakada,
- R Nandakumar,
- I Nasteva,
- M Needham,
- N Neri,
- S Neubert,
- N Neufeld,
- M Neuner,
- A D Nguyen,
- T D Nguyen,
- C Nguyen-Mau,
- M Nicol,
- V Niess,
- R Niet,
- N Nikitin,
- T Nikodem,
- A Novoselov,
- D P O’Hanlon,
- A Oblakowska-Mucha,
- V Obraztsov,
- S Oggero,
- S Ogilvy,
- O Okhrimenko,
- R Oldeman,
- G Onderwater,
- M Orlandea,
- J M Otalora Goicochea,
- P Owen,
- A Oyanguren,
- B K Pal,
- A Palano,
- F Palombo,
- M Palutan,
- J Panman,
- A Papanestis,
- M Pappagallo,
- L L Pappalardo,
- C Parkes,
- C J Parkinson,
- G Passaleva,
- G D Patel,
- M Patel,
- C Patrignani,
- A Pazos Alvarez,
- A Pearce,
- A Pellegrino,
- M Pepe Altarelli,
- S Perazzini,
- E Perez Trigo,
- P Perret,
- M Perrin-Terrin,
- L Pescatore,
- E Pesen,
- K Petridis,
- A Petrolini,
- E Picatoste Olloqui,
- B Pietrzyk,
- T Pilař,
- D Pinci,
- A Pistone,
- S Playfer,
- M Plo Casasus,
- F Polci,
- A Poluektov,
- E Polycarpo,
- A Popov,
- D Popov,
- B Popovici,
- C Potterat,
- E Price,
- J Prisciandaro,
- A Pritchard,
- C Prouve,
- V Pugatch,
- A Puig Navarro,
- G Punzi,
- W Qian,
- B Rachwal,
- J H Rademacker,
- B Rakotomiaramanana,
- M Rama,
- M S Rangel,
- I Raniuk,
- N Rauschmayr,
- G Raven,
- S Reichert,
- M M Reid,
- A C dos Reis,
- S Ricciardi,
- S Richards,
- M Rihl,
- K Rinnert,
- V Rives Molina,
- D A Roa Romero,
- P Robbe,
- A B Rodrigues,
- E Rodrigues,
- P Rodriguez Perez,
- S Roiser,
- V Romanovsky,
- A Romero Vidal,
- M Rotondo,
- J Rouvinet,
- T Ruf,
- H Ruiz,
- P Ruiz Valls,
- J J Saborido Silva,
- N Sagidova,
- P Sail,
- B Saitta,
- V Salustino Guimaraes,
- C Sanchez Mayordomo,
- B Sanmartin Sedes,
- R Santacesaria,
- C Santamarina Rios,
- E Santovetti,
- A Sarti,
- C Satriano,
- A Satta,
- D M Saunders,
- M Savrie,
- D Savrina,
- M Schiller,
- H Schindler,
- M Schlupp,
- M Schmelling,
- B Schmidt,
- O Schneider,
- A Schopper,
- M-H Schune,
- R Schwemmer,
- B Sciascia,
- A Sciubba,
- M Seco,
- A Semennikov,
- I Sepp,
- N Serra,
- J Serrano,
- L Sestini,
- P Seyfert,
- M Shapkin,
- I Shapoval,
- Y Shcheglov,
- T Shears,
- L Shekhtman,
- V Shevchenko,
- A Shires,
- R Silva Coutinho,
- G Simi,
- M Sirendi,
- N Skidmore,
- T Skwarnicki,
- N A Smith,
- E Smith,
- E Smith,
- J Smith,
- M Smith,
- H Snoek,
- M D Sokoloff,
- F J P Soler,
- F Soomro,
- D Souza,
- B Souza De Paula,
- B Spaan,
- A Sparkes,
- P Spradlin,
- S Sridharan,
- F Stagni,
- M Stahl,
- S Stahl,
- O Steinkamp,
- O Stenyakin,
- S Stevenson,
- S Stoica,
- S Stone,
- B Storaci,
- S Stracka,
- M Straticiuc,
- U Straumann,
- R Stroili,
- V K Subbiah,
- L Sun,
- W Sutcliffe,
- K Swientek,
- S Swientek,
- V Syropoulos,
- M Szczekowski,
- P Szczypka,
- D Szilard,
- T Szumlak,
- S T’Jampens,
- M Teklishyn,
- G Tellarini,
- F Teubert,
- C Thomas,
- E Thomas,
- J van Tilburg,
- V Tisserand,
- M Tobin,
- S Tolk,
- L Tomassetti,
- D Tonelli,
- S Topp-Joergensen,
- N Torr,
- E Tournefier,
- S Tourneur,
- M T Tran,
- M Tresch,
- A Tsaregorodtsev,
- P Tsopelas,
- N Tuning,
- M Ubeda Garcia,
- A Ukleja,
- A Ustyuzhanin,
- U Uwer,
- V Vagnoni,
- G Valenti,
- A Vallier,
- R Vazquez Gomez,
- P Vazquez Regueiro,
- C Vázquez Sierra,
- S Vecchi,
- J J Velthuis,
- M Veltri,
- G Veneziano,
- M Vesterinen,
- B Viaud,
- D Vieira,
- M Vieites Diaz,
- X Vilasis-Cardona,
- A Vollhardt,
- D Volyanskyy,
- D Voong,
- A Vorobyev,
- V Vorobyev,
- C Voß,
- H Voss,
- J A de Vries,
- R Waldi,
- C Wallace,
- R Wallace,
- J Walsh,
- S Wandernoth,
- J Wang,
- D R Ward,
- N K Watson,
- D Websdale,
- M Whitehead,
- J Wicht,
- D Wiedner,
- G Wilkinson,
- M P Williams,
- M Williams,
- F F Wilson,
- J Wimberley,
- J Wishahi,
- W Wislicki,
- M Witek,
- G Wormser,
- S A Wotton,
- S Wright,
- S Wu,
- K Wyllie,
- Y Xie,
- Z Xing,
- Z Xu,
- Z Yang,
- X Yuan,
- O Yushchenko,
- M Zangoli,
- M Zavertyaev,
- L Zhang,
- W C Zhang,
- Y Zhang,
- A Zhelezov,
- A Zhokhov,
- L Zhong,
- A Zvyagin
- The LHCb Collaboration1
- R Aaij
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- B Adeva
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- M Adinolfi
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- A Affolder
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- Z Ajaltouni
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- S Akar
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- J Albrecht
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- F Alessio
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Alexander
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- S Ali
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- G Alkhazov
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- P Alvarez Cartelle
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- A A Alves Jr
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Amato
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- S Amerio
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- Y Amhis
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- L An
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- L Anderlini
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy; Università di Firenze, Firenze , Italy
- J Anderson
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- R Andreassen
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- M Andreotti
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- J E Andrews
- University of Maryland , College Park, MD, USA
- R B Appleby
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- O Aquines Gutierrez
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- F Archilli
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Artamonov
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- M Artuso
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- E Aslanides
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- G Auriemma
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy; Università della Basilicata , Potenza, Italy
- M Baalouch
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- S Bachmann
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- J J Back
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- A Badalov
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- W Baldini
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- R J Barlow
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- C Barschel
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Barsuk
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- W Barter
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- V Batozskaya
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- V Battista
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Bay
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- L Beaucourt
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- J Beddow
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- F Bedeschi
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy
- I Bediaga
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- S Belogurov
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- K Belous
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- I Belyaev
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- E Ben-Haim
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- G Bencivenni
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- S Benson
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- J Benton
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- A Berezhnoy
- Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) , Moscow, Russia
- R Bernet
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- M-O Bettler
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- M van Beuzekom
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- A Bien
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- S Bifani
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- T Bird
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- A Bizzeti
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy; Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia , Modena, Italy
- P M Bjørnstad
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- T Blake
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- F Blanc
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- J Blouw
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- S Blusk
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- V Bocci
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- A Bondar
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- N Bondar
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- W Bonivento
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Borghi
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- A Borgia
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- M Borsato
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- T J V Bowcock
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- E Bowen
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- C Bozzi
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- T Brambach
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- J van den Brand
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- J Bressieux
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- D Brett
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- M Britsch
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- T Britton
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- J Brodzicka
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- N H Brook
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- H Brown
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- A Bursche
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- G Busetto
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy; Politecnico di Milano , Milano, Italy
- J Buytaert
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Cadeddu
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- R Calabrese
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- M Calvi
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy; Università di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- M Calvo Gomez
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain; LIFAELS, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull , Barcelona, Spain
- P Campana
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- D Campora Perez
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Carbone
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy; Università di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- G Carboni
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata , Roma, Italy
- R Cardinale
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Università di Genova , Genova, Italy
- A Cardini
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- L Carson
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- K Carvalho Akiba
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- G Casse
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- L Cassina
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- L Castillo Garcia
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Cattaneo
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- Ch Cauet
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- R Cenci
- University of Maryland , College Park, MD, USA
- M Charles
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- Ph Charpentier
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Chefdeville
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- S Chen
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- S-F Cheung
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- N Chiapolini
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- M Chrzaszcz
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland; Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- K Ciba
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- X Cid Vidal
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- G Ciezarek
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- P E L Clarke
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- M Clemencic
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- H V Cliff
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- J Closier
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- V Coco
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- J Cogan
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- E Cogneras
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- L Cojocariu
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- P Collins
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Comerma-Montells
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- A Contu
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- A Cook
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- M Coombes
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- S Coquereau
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- G Corti
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Corvo
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- I Counts
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA, USA
- B Couturier
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- G A Cowan
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- D C Craik
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- M Cruz Torres
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , associated to
- S Cunliffe
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- R Currie
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- C D’Ambrosio
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- J Dalseno
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- P David
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- P N Y David
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- A Davis
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- K De Bruyn
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- S De Capua
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- M De Cian
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- J M De Miranda
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- L De Paula
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- W De Silva
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- P De Simone
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- D Decamp
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- M Deckenhoff
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- L Del Buono
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- N Déléage
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- D Derkach
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- O Deschamps
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- F Dettori
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Di Canto
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- H Dijkstra
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Donleavy
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- F Dordei
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- M Dorigo
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Dosil Suárez
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- D Dossett
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- A Dovbnya
- NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) , Kharkiv, Ukraine
- K Dreimanis
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- G Dujany
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- F Dupertuis
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- P Durante
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- R Dzhelyadin
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- A Dziurda
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland
- A Dzyuba
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- S Easo
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK
- U Egede
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- V Egorychev
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- S Eidelman
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- S Eisenhardt
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- U Eitschberger
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- R Ekelhof
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- L Eklund
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- I El Rifai
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Ch Elsasser
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- S Ely
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- S Esen
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- H-M Evans
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- T Evans
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- A Falabella
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- C Färber
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- C Farinelli
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- N Farley
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- S Farry
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- R F Fay
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- D Ferguson
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- V Fernandez Albor
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- F Ferreira Rodrigues
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- M Ferro-Luzzi
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Filippov
- Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN) , Moscow, Russia
- M Fiore
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- M Fiorini
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- M Firlej
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- C Fitzpatrick
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- T Fiutowski
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- M Fontana
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- F Fontanelli
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy; Università di Genova , Genova, Italy
- R Forty
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- O Francisco
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- M Frank
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Frei
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Frosini
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Università di Firenze, Firenze , Italy
- J Fu
- Sezione INFN di Milano , Milano, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- E Furfaro
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata , Roma, Italy
- A Gallas Torreira
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- D Galli
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy; Università di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- S Gallorini
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- S Gambetta
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy; Università di Genova , Genova, Italy
- M Gandelman
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- P Gandini
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- Y Gao
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- J García Pardiñas
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- J Garofoli
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- J Garra Tico
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- L Garrido
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- C Gaspar
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- R Gauld
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- L Gavardi
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- G Gavrilov
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- A Geraci
- Sezione INFN di Milano , Milano, Italy; Politecnico di Milano , Milano, Italy
- E Gersabeck
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- M Gersabeck
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- T Gershon
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- Ph Ghez
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- A Gianelle
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- S Giani’
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- V Gibson
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- L Giubega
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- V V Gligorov
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Göbel
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , associated to
- D Golubkov
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- A Golutvin
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Imperial College London , London, UK
- A Gomes
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) , Uberaba-MG, Brazil
- C Gotti
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- M Grabalosa Gándara
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- R Graciani Diaz
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- L A Granado Cardoso
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- E Graugés
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- G Graziani
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy
- A Grecu
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- E Greening
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- S Gregson
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- P Griffith
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- L Grillo
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- O Grünberg
- Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock , Rostock, Germany , associated to
- B Gui
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- E Gushchin
- Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN) , Moscow, Russia
- Yu Guz
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- T Gys
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Hadjivasiliou
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- G Haefeli
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- C Haen
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S C Haines
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- S Hall
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- B Hamilton
- University of Maryland , College Park, MD, USA
- T Hampson
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- X Han
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- S Hansmann-Menzemer
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- N Harnew
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- S T Harnew
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- J Harrison
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- J He
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- T Head
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- V Heijne
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- K Hennessy
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- P Henrard
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- L Henry
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- J A Hernando Morata
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- E van Herwijnen
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Heß
- Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock , Rostock, Germany , associated to
- A Hicheur
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- D Hill
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- M Hoballah
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- C Hombach
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- W Hulsbergen
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- P Hunt
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- N Hussain
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- D Hutchcroft
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- D Hynds
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- M Idzik
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- P Ilten
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA, USA
- R Jacobsson
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Jaeger
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- J Jalocha
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- E Jans
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- P Jaton
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Jawahery
- University of Maryland , College Park, MD, USA
- F Jing
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- M John
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- D Johnson
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- C R Jones
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- C Joram
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- B Jost
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- N Jurik
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- M Kaballo
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- S Kandybei
- NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) , Kharkiv, Ukraine
- W Kanso
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- M Karacson
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- T M Karbach
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Karodia
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- M Kelsey
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- I R Kenyon
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- T Ketel
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- B Khanji
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- C Khurewathanakul
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- S Klaver
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- K Klimaszewski
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- O Kochebina
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- M Kolpin
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- I Komarov
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- R F Koopman
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- P Koppenburg
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- M Korolev
- Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) , Moscow, Russia
- A Kozlinskiy
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- L Kravchuk
- Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN) , Moscow, Russia
- K Kreplin
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- M Kreps
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- G Krocker
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- P Krokovny
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- F Kruse
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- W Kucewicz
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland; AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Kraków, Poland
- M Kucharczyk
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy; Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Università di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- V Kudryavtsev
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- K Kurek
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- T Kvaratskheliya
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- V N LaThi
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- D Lacarrere
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- G Lafferty
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- A Lai
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- D Lambert
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- R W Lambert
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- G Lanfranchi
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- C Langenbruch
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- B Langhans
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- T Latham
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- C Lazzeroni
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- R Le Gac
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- J van Leerdam
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- J-P Lees
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- R Lefèvre
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- A Leflat
- Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) , Moscow, Russia
- J Lefrançois
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- S Leo
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy
- O Leroy
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- T Lesiak
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland
- B Leverington
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- Y Li
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- T Likhomanenko
- National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute , Moscow, Russia , associated to
- M Liles
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- R Lindner
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Linn
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- F Lionetto
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- B Liu
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- S Lohn
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- I Longstaff
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- J H Lopes
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- N Lopez-March
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- P Lowdon
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- H Lu
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- D Lucchesi
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy; Università di Padova , Padova, Italy
- H Luo
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- A Lupato
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- E Luppi
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- O Lupton
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- F Machefert
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- I V Machikhiliyan
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- F Maciuc
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- O Maev
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- S Malde
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- A Malinin
- National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute , Moscow, Russia , associated to
- G Manca
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy; Università di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- G Mancinelli
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- A Mapelli
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- J Maratas
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- J F Marchand
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- U Marconi
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- C Marin Benito
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- P Marino
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy; Scuola Normale Superiore , Pisa, Italy
- R Märki
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- J Marks
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- G Martellotti
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- A Martens
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- A Martín Sánchez
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- M Martinelli
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- D Martinez Santos
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- F Martinez Vidal
- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de Valencia-CSIC , Valencia, Spain , associated to
- D Martins Tostes
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- A Massafferri
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- R Matev
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- Z Mathe
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Matteuzzi
- Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca , Milano, Italy
- A Mazurov
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- M McCann
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- J McCarthy
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- A McNab
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- R McNulty
- School of Physics, University College Dublin , Dublin, Ireland
- B McSkelly
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- B Meadows
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- F Meier
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- M Meissner
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- M Merk
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- D A Milanes
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- M-N Minard
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- N Moggi
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- J Molina Rodriguez
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , associated to
- S Monteil
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- M Morandin
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- P Morawski
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- A Mordà
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- M J Morello
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy; Scuola Normale Superiore , Pisa, Italy
- J Moron
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- A-B Morris
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- R Mountain
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- F Muheim
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- K Müller
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- M Mussini
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- B Muster
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- P Naik
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- T Nakada
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- R Nandakumar
- STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK
- I Nasteva
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- M Needham
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- N Neri
- Sezione INFN di Milano , Milano, Italy
- S Neubert
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- N Neufeld
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Neuner
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- A D Nguyen
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- T D Nguyen
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- C Nguyen-Mau
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland; Hanoi University of Science , Hanoi, Viet Nam
- M Nicol
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- V Niess
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- R Niet
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- N Nikitin
- Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) , Moscow, Russia
- T Nikodem
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- A Novoselov
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- D P O’Hanlon
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- A Oblakowska-Mucha
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- V Obraztsov
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- S Oggero
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- S Ogilvy
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- O Okhrimenko
- Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR) , Kyiv, Ukraine
- R Oldeman
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy; Università di Urbino , Urbino, Italy
- G Onderwater
- KVI-University of Groningen , Groningen, The Netherlands , associated to
- M Orlandea
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- J M Otalora Goicochea
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- P Owen
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- A Oyanguren
- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de Valencia-CSIC , Valencia, Spain , associated to
- B K Pal
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- A Palano
- Sezione INFN di Bari , Bari, Italy; Università di Bari , Bari, Italy
- F Palombo
- Sezione INFN di Milano , Milano, Italy; Università degli Studi di Milano , Milano, Italy
- M Palutan
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- J Panman
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Papanestis
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK
- M Pappagallo
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- L L Pappalardo
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- C Parkes
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- C J Parkinson
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany; University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- G Passaleva
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy
- G D Patel
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- M Patel
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- C Patrignani
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy; Università di Genova , Genova, Italy
- A Pazos Alvarez
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- A Pearce
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- A Pellegrino
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- M Pepe Altarelli
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Perazzini
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy; Università di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- E Perez Trigo
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- P Perret
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- M Perrin-Terrin
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- L Pescatore
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- E Pesen
- Celal Bayar University , Manisa, Turkey , associated to
- K Petridis
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- A Petrolini
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy; Università di Genova , Genova, Italy
- E Picatoste Olloqui
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- B Pietrzyk
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- T Pilař
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- D Pinci
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- A Pistone
- Sezione INFN di Genova , Genova, Italy
- S Playfer
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- M Plo Casasus
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- F Polci
- LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France
- A Poluektov
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia; Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- E Polycarpo
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- A Popov
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- D Popov
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- B Popovici
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- C Potterat
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- E Price
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- J Prisciandaro
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Pritchard
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- C Prouve
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- V Pugatch
- Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR) , Kyiv, Ukraine
- A Puig Navarro
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- G Punzi
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy; Università di Pisa , Pisa, Italy
- W Qian
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- B Rachwal
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland
- J H Rademacker
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- B Rakotomiaramanana
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- M Rama
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- M S Rangel
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- I Raniuk
- NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) , Kharkiv, Ukraine
- N Rauschmayr
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- G Raven
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- S Reichert
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- M M Reid
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- A C dos Reis
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- S Ricciardi
- STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK
- S Richards
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- M Rihl
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- K Rinnert
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- V Rives Molina
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- D A Roa Romero
- Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal , CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- P Robbe
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- A B Rodrigues
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- E Rodrigues
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- P Rodriguez Perez
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- S Roiser
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- V Romanovsky
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- A Romero Vidal
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- M Rotondo
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- J Rouvinet
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- T Ruf
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- H Ruiz
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain
- P Ruiz Valls
- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de Valencia-CSIC , Valencia, Spain , associated to
- J J Saborido Silva
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- N Sagidova
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- P Sail
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- B Saitta
- Sezione INFN di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy; Università di Cagliari , Cagliari, Italy
- V Salustino Guimaraes
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- C Sanchez Mayordomo
- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de Valencia-CSIC , Valencia, Spain , associated to
- B Sanmartin Sedes
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- R Santacesaria
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- C Santamarina Rios
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- E Santovetti
- Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata , Roma, Italy; Università di Roma Tor Vergata , Roma, Italy
- A Sarti
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy; Università di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- C Satriano
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy; Università della Basilicata , Potenza, Italy
- A Satta
- Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata , Roma, Italy
- D M Saunders
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- M Savrie
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- D Savrina
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia; Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU) , Moscow, Russia
- M Schiller
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- H Schindler
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Schlupp
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- M Schmelling
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- B Schmidt
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- O Schneider
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- A Schopper
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M-H Schune
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- R Schwemmer
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- B Sciascia
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- A Sciubba
- Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza , Roma, Italy
- M Seco
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- A Semennikov
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- I Sepp
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- N Serra
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- J Serrano
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- L Sestini
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- P Seyfert
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- M Shapkin
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- I Shapoval
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT) , Kharkiv, Ukraine; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- Y Shcheglov
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- T Shears
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- L Shekhtman
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- V Shevchenko
- National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute , Moscow, Russia , associated to
- A Shires
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- R Silva Coutinho
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- G Simi
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- M Sirendi
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- N Skidmore
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- T Skwarnicki
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- N A Smith
- Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool , Liverpool, UK
- E Smith
- STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK; Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- E Smith
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- J Smith
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- M Smith
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Manchester, UK
- H Snoek
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- M D Sokoloff
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- F J P Soler
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- F Soomro
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- D Souza
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- B Souza De Paula
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- B Spaan
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- A Sparkes
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh, UK
- P Spradlin
- School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow , Glasgow, UK
- S Sridharan
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- F Stagni
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Stahl
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- S Stahl
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- O Steinkamp
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- O Stenyakin
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- S Stevenson
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- S Stoica
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- S Stone
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- B Storaci
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- S Stracka
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- M Straticiuc
- Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering , Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
- U Straumann
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- R Stroili
- Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova , Italy
- V K Subbiah
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- L Sun
- University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH, USA
- W Sutcliffe
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- K Swientek
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- S Swientek
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- V Syropoulos
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- M Szczekowski
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- P Szczypka
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- D Szilard
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- T Szumlak
- AGH-University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland
- S T’Jampens
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- M Teklishyn
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- G Tellarini
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- F Teubert
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- C Thomas
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- E Thomas
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- J van Tilburg
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- V Tisserand
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- M Tobin
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- S Tolk
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- L Tomassetti
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy; Università di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- D Tonelli
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- S Topp-Joergensen
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- N Torr
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- E Tournefier
- LAPP, Université de Savoie , CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France
- S Tourneur
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- M T Tran
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- M Tresch
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- A Tsaregorodtsev
- CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université , CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France
- P Tsopelas
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- N Tuning
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- M Ubeda Garcia
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- A Ukleja
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- A Ustyuzhanin
- National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute , Moscow, Russia , associated to
- U Uwer
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- V Vagnoni
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- G Valenti
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- A Vallier
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- R Vazquez Gomez
- Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati , Frascati, Italy
- P Vazquez Regueiro
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- C Vázquez Sierra
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- S Vecchi
- Sezione INFN di Ferrara , Ferrara, Italy
- J J Velthuis
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- M Veltri
- Sezione INFN di Firenze , Firenze, Italy; Università di Urbino , Urbino, Italy
- G Veneziano
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- M Vesterinen
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- B Viaud
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- D Vieira
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- M Vieites Diaz
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- X Vilasis-Cardona
- Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona , Spain; LIFAELS, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull , Barcelona, Spain
- A Vollhardt
- Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich , Switzerland
- D Volyanskyy
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- D Voong
- H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol , Bristol, UK
- A Vorobyev
- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) , Gatchina, Russia
- V Vorobyev
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University , Novosibirsk, Russia
- C Voß
- Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock , Rostock, Germany , associated to
- H Voss
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany
- J A de Vries
- Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- R Waldi
- Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock , Rostock, Germany , associated to
- C Wallace
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- R Wallace
- School of Physics, University College Dublin , Dublin, Ireland
- J Walsh
- Sezione INFN di Pisa , Pisa, Italy
- S Wandernoth
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- J Wang
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- D R Ward
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- N K Watson
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- D Websdale
- Imperial College London , London, UK
- M Whitehead
- Department of Physics, University of Warwick , Coventry, UK
- J Wicht
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- D Wiedner
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- G Wilkinson
- Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Oxford, UK
- M P Williams
- University of Birmingham , Birmingham, UK
- M Williams
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA, USA
- F F Wilson
- STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , Didcot, UK
- J Wimberley
- University of Maryland , College Park, MD, USA
- J Wishahi
- Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund , Dortmund, Germany
- W Wislicki
- National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) , Warsaw, Poland
- M Witek
- Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences , Kraków, Poland
- G Wormser
- LAL, Université Paris-Sud , CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France
- S A Wotton
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- S Wright
- Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK
- S Wu
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- K Wyllie
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- Y Xie
- Institute of Particle Physics , Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China, associated to
- Z Xing
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- Z Xu
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Lausanne, Switzerland
- Z Yang
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- X Yuan
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- O Yushchenko
- Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) , Protvino, Russia
- M Zangoli
- Sezione INFN di Bologna , Bologna, Italy
- M Zavertyaev
- Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) , Heidelberg, Germany; P N Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science (LPI RAS) , Moscow, Russia
- L Zhang
- Syracuse University , Syracuse, NY, USA
- W C Zhang
- School of Physics, University College Dublin , Dublin, Ireland
- Y Zhang
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- A Zhelezov
- Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , Heidelberg, Germany
- A Zhokhov
- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) , Moscow, Russia
- L Zhong
- Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University , Beijing, Peopleʼs Republic of China
- A Zvyagin
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , Geneva, Switzerland
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16,
no. 12
p. 123001
Measurements of the branching fractions of $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{K}^{\mp }}$ and $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{\pi }^{\mp }}$ decays are performed using a data sample corresponding to $1.0\ {\rm f}{{{\rm b}}^{-1}}$ of proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of $7\;{\rm TeV}$ , where the ${{K}^{*\pm }}$ mesons are reconstructed in the $K_{S}^{0}{{\pi }^{\pm }}$ final state. The first observation of the $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{K}^{\mp }}$ decay and the first evidence for the $B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*-}}{{\pi }^{+}}$ decay are reported with branching fractions \begin{eqnarray*}\begin{array}{rcl} \bf{\mathcal{B}}\left( B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{K}^{\mp }} \right) & = & \left( 12.7\pm 1.9\pm 1.9 \right)\times {{10}^{-6}}, \\ \bf{\mathcal{B}}\left( B_{s}^{0}\to {{K}^{*-}}{{\pi }^{+}} \right) & = & \left( 3.3\pm 1.1\pm 0.5 \right)\times {{10}^{-6}}, \\ \end{array}\end{eqnarray*} where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. In addition, an upper limit of $\mathcal{B}\left( {{B}^{0}}\to {{K}^{*\pm }}{{K}^{\mp }} \right)\lt 0.4\ (0.5)\times {{10}^{-6}}$ is set at $90\%\ (95\%)$ confidence level.