Financial Innovation (Jan 2022)
How time-inconsistent preferences influence venture capital exit decisions? A new perspective for grandstanding
Abstract Considering that the assumption of time consistency does not adequately reveal the mechanisms of exit decisions of venture capital (VC), this study proposes two kinds of time-inconsistent preferences (i.e., time-flow inconsistency and time-point inconsistency) to advance research in this field. Time-flow inconsistency is in line with the previous time inconsistency literature, while time-point inconsistency is rooted in the VC fund’s finite lifespan. Based on the assumption about the strategies guiding future behaviors, we consider four types of venture capitalists: time-consistent, time-point-inconsistent, naïve, and sophisticated venture capitalists, of which the latter three are time-inconsistent. We derive and compare the exit thresholds of these four types of venture capitalists. The main results include: (1) time-inconsistent preferences accelerate the exits of venture capitalists; (2) the closer the VC funds expiry dates are, the more likely time-inconsistent venture capitalists are to accelerate their exits; and (3) future selves caused by time-flow inconsistency weaken the effect of time-point inconsistency. Our study provides a behavioral explanation for the empirical fact of young VCs’ grandstanding.