Potravinarstvo (Dec 2018)
Variation in morphometric traits of fruits of Mespilus germanica L.
According to the International Program for the Botanic Gardens Conservation, botanic gardens contribute to the conservation plant species, which are of great socio-economic importance, and develop and implement a policy to use herbal products derived from sustainably developing sources. The aim of this study was to determine morphometric parameters of fruits of seven genotypes of Mespilus germanica L., which are growing in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). Their morphometric parameters were following: fruit weight from 35.29 to 39.12 g, fruit length from 27.69 to 42.29 mm, fruit diameter from 24.98 to 44.75 mm, length of calyx basin from 17.55 to 32.46 mm. The shape index of the fruits was found in the range of 0.79 to 1.23. It was found that fruit diameter positively correlated with traits such as fruit weight and calyx basin length. Fruit weight was also highly correlated with calyx basin length and fruit length. Using the cluster analysis with Euclidian distances allowed to establish the relationships among the fruits Mespilus germanica germplasm and arranged the genotypes into five relatively homogenous clusters. Hence, the introduction population characterized by quite variability and contains plants with almost all types of fruits. Obtained data can be used for breeding programs and introducing of cultivars in Mespilus germanica.