Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Jun 2010)
反思教學應用於培養大學生批判思考與多元文化學習之探討 The Exploration of Using Reflective Teaching for Cultivating University Students’ Critical Thinking and Multicultural Learning
此文乃是根據所收集之教學研究資料,反思探討所實施之教學活動如何促使學生批判思考能力之應用,並以所發展之思考能力,學習多元文化之相關知能。研究者以反思教學為方法,規劃實施五項教學活動,並透過行動研究的實施,評估檢視教學的歷程與結果。研究者認為多元文化教育的實施,應能同時致力於培養學生的批判思考能力,而教學過程是否提供學習者批判思考的應用與發展,則是此研究探討的重心,也是研究者(即教學者)反思自我教學的主要關注。根據教學的歷程與結果,研究者發現: 一、學生批判思考能力的養成與表現,教學者要能持續提供學生自我對話、及與他人對話的機會,並鼓勵學生進行學習歷程的思考、質疑、批判、及監督。 二、學生能從反思自我學習的歷程,覺察與檢視自我的態度與行為,及發展多元文化的素養,包括瞭解自我、及尊重他人文化。 This article is to reflect and explore how the teaching content and process has facilitated the development of students’ critical thinking and their learning on multicultural issues. The researcher (also as a teacher educator) has adopted the reflective teaching approaches to develop and implement five teaching activities, and action research was conducted simultaneously to evaluate the implementation of these five teaching activities. Multicultural education is a learning process in which students are encouraged to be reflective and critical. Hence, this article has been addressed to explore how the teaching process has helped students perform and develop critical thinking. The research findings can be summarized as follows: 1. For the development of students’ critical thinking, the educator needs to continue involving students in dialogues with themselves and others, and encourage them to review and evaluate on their own learning process. 2. The reflective learning process can help students be aware of and review on their own attitudes and behaviors, and also help them develop multicultural literacy, including understanding themselves as well as respecting other people and their cultures.