International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (Jun 2006)

Elluminate Article: Revisiting Mega-Universities

  • Eugene Rubin,
  • Claudine SchWeber

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1


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The publisher of IRRODL, The Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research (CIDER), is pleased to link here to a series of eight online seminars that took place over Spring 2006, using Elluminate live e-learning and collaborative solutions. These interactive CIDER Sessions disseminate research emanating from Canada's vibrant DE research community, and we feel these archived recordings are highly relevant to many in the international distance education research community. To access these sessions, you must first download FREE software. Visit (Elluminate Support) for details on how to download this FREE software. * Revisiting Mega-Universities Gene Rubin and Claudine SchWeber University of Maryland University College
