Meat and Muscle Biology (Oct 2017)

Evaluation of Meat Quality on High pH Strip Loins Injected with Buffered Acetic Acid

  • W. Nathan Tapp,
  • Colton T. Christjohn,
  • Derek A. Griffing,
  • Christy L. Bratcher

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 218 – 226


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This experiment evaluated the effects of injection of buffered vinegar [e(Lm)inate V, Hawkins Inc., Minneapolis, MN] at pH 5.0 on quality attributes of high pH beef strip loins. Strip loins ( = 16) were sectioned and treatments assigned to evenly represent each section, and on d 6 after harvest and fabrication treatments were injected into each section using a multi needle injector. One control and three treatments were used: 0 (T0), 0.4 (T0.4), 1.2 (T1.2), and 1.6% (T1.6) of the green weight of steaks was injected, and quality characteristics of strip loins were evaluated. Sections were then vacuumed packaged for an additional 3 d to simulate transport to retail outlets, then fabricated into steaks and overwrapped for an addition 3 d for simulation of retail storage. High pH control (T0) final pH (FpH) values were the highest, with a pH of 5.87. While there were similarities between treatments, overall as percentage of injection increased, FpH decreased. There was no difference among location ( > 0.05) when evaluating FpH. There were no difference in cook loss or TBARS for location or treatment. Drip loss was greatest for T1.2 injection and in the most caudal section. Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) was different due to the location of the section ( ≤ 0.05), with section Y (the third section) having the greatest value. Off flavor intensity increased ( ≤ 0.05) as percentage of injection increased. Final L*, a*, and b* values were different ( ≤ 0.05) for treatment levels in the loins with the control having the lowest L* and b* values. While this product was sufficient at altering final raw color and pH, it may not be feasible for industry use, due to minimal impacts on drip loss, cook loss, oxidation, and sensory characteristics with an increase in off flavor. Nonetheless, investigation of application with an antioxidant and/or functional ingredient could prove beneficial for industry use.