Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Dec 2023)
透過攝影的觀看:國小高年級學生之攝影教學研究 Seeing Through the Lens: The Study on the Photography Education of Senior Students in an Elementary School
本文主要探究教師如何將攝影教學運用於國小藝術課程。研究目的旨在設計視覺藝術課程以提升學生的攝影能力,規畫並施行基礎攝影教學方案,建構兒童攝影的學習視野,最後,探討本攝影教學課程歷程之省思與啟示。本研究以質性取徑的現象與詮釋。研究教學方案的規畫執行基於觀看意義、攝影教學、創作應用施行。綜合歸納研究結論如下:一、提升學生的攝影能力面向:藉高年級兒童創作學習,省思及修正合乎學生攝影的觀看課程,循序培養互為觀者的學習主體,敏察生活之美。二、促進學生在構圖、題材、詮釋表達能力的面向:攝影教學藉影像、身體、對話本身的虛實性探討,提升兒童在視覺審美能力與純真直觀的創作視野。三、創作應用方面:省察「以形貌造境」的攝影的觀看詮釋,透過攝影所視,輝映自我生命與世界同在的意境。四、教育意涵方面:本研究方案建構學生自我「異」與「同」的意識,開闊學生自我內外與自然同在的生命實踐「由心而外,細觀再動之」,透過攝影的凝視觀看除了呈現可見的表達,也製造不可見的意義。攝影之觀看教育提升人對自我之自覺,觀看理論動態的,甚至延伸改變人類與其生存空間存在意義的價值省思,本研究之攝影教學具經驗的特殊性,為培育時代性師資,引領教育現場美感教育、美學思維之建構。 The Purpose of this study is to enhance senior elementary school students’ photographic skills through the arts curriculum and promote the students’ understanding of material selection, composition, and interpretation in photography. This research takes a qualitative approach to the phenomenon and interpretation. The planning and implementation of the research teaching program is based on the meaning of viewing, photography teaching, and creative application. The conclusions of the research are summarized in the following aspects: First, the enhancement of senior elementary school students’ photographic skills through the arts curriculum. Second, the explorations of the spectator's capability for material selection, image composition, and theme interpretation. Based on the interpretation of photographic visualization, the nature of photography education, photography teaching uses images, bodies, and dialogues to explore virtuality and reality, enhancing children’s visual aesthetic ability and pure and intuitive creative Self. Third, the creation of the aesthetics in art and technology-based education should be explored by taking a natural approach and then reflecting on the original vitality. Overall, through the photography curriculum, learners are able to recognize the differences and similarities in terms of space and imagery when viewing photography. Photography reveals people’s awareness of themselves and their external environments, conveying their personal concepts of “being with the world”. The photography teaching of the research has the particularity of experience, and has the value of cultivating students’ daily aesthetic literacy.