Kvasný průmysl (Jun 2005)
Comparison of spring barley quality from harvest 2000 and harvest 2004.
Quality of malting barley of given harvest is proved in RIBM, Plc., Malting Institute Brno, every year for a long time. There is comparison of results from 2000 and 2004 harvests, which were - every from different point of view - problematic, presented in the article. From the aspect of the harvested amount, average yield and barley technological quality, the harvest 2000 was evaluated as the worst harvest over last 40 years. Harvest 2004 was outstanding in terms of production and average hectare yield, unfortunately the technological quality of the harvested barley was problematic or even unsatisfactory, especially because of low protein content. Quality of barley harvest of the years 2000 and 2004 shows how strong the effect of the year on the barley quality was. The article demonstrates the effect of protein content on the barley quality and properties, malt yield and costs of kilning. According to the achieved technological conditions, calculation and comparison of water amount that is necessary to evaporate from green malt are presented. In addition the article presents relations among the malt parameters - extract, proteins, soluble nitrogen and Kolbach index and degree of their mutual interaction. Separately in the table quality of barley, malt and amount of the beer produced for the harvest 2000 and 2004 are compared. It is proved that input quality of malting barley explicitly affects malt production and significantly influences beer production and qualityQuality of malting barley of given harvest is proved in RIBM, Plc., Malting Institute Brno, every year for a long time. There is comparison of results from 2000 and 2004 harvests, which were - every from different point of view - problematic, presented in the article. From the aspect of the harvested amount, average yield and barley technological quality, the harvest 2000 was evaluated as the worst harvest over last 40 years. Harvest 2004 was outstanding in terms of production and average hectare yield, unfortunately the technological quality of the harvested barley was problematic or even unsatisfactory, especially because of low protein content. Quality of barley harvest of the years 2000 and 2004 shows how strong the effect of the year on the barley quality was. The article demonstrates the effect of protein content on the barley quality and properties, malt yield and costs of kilning. According to the achieved technological conditions, calculation and comparison of water amount that is necessary to evaporate from green malt are presented. In addition the article presents relations among the malt parameters - extract, proteins, soluble nitrogen and Kolbach index and degree of their mutual interaction. Separately in the table quality of barley, malt and amount of the beer produced for the harvest 2000 and 2004 are compared. It is proved that input quality of malting barley explicitly affects malt production and significantly influences beer production and quality