Media Gizi Indonesia (May 2020)

PERUBAHAN KONSUMSI PANGAN DAN ASUPAN VITAMIN A IBU MENYUSUI SESAAT DAN TIGA BULAN SETELAH MELAHIRKAN <br><i>Changes in Food Consumption and Vitamin A Intake of Breastfeeding Mothers in Moment and Three Months After Giving Birth</br></i>

  • Abdul Salam,
  • Dodik Briawan,
  • Drajat Martianto,
  • Abdul Razak Thaha

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2
pp. 127 – 134


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Adequate intake of vitamin A during lactation is very crucial due to its eff ect on retinol levels in breast milk. This study was aimed to analyze the changes in food consumption and vitamin A intake of lactating mothers in moment and three months after giving birth. This study used a cohort design for 3 months involving 295 breastfeeding mothers. Subjects were selected according to inclusion criteria including mother with normal labour and full term month normally and term, have a baby with normal birth weight, and maximum of a third parity. A 2x24 hour food recall questionnaire was used to determine nutrient intake and a food frequency questionnaire to determine the consumption habits of sources of vitamin A. The Wilcoxon test and paired t test were used in this study. The results of study showed that the most frequently consumed vegetables both shortly and three months after childbirth were tomatoes, 65% and 73.9% respectively. Most frequently consumed fruits were mangoes, 18.3% and 13.6%. While the most frequently consumed animal source foods were eggs, 68.1% and 79.7%, respectively. Among the consumption of vitamin A sources foods, only the consumption of tomatoes, milk, and cooking oil were found increase signifi cantly in three months after delivery (p 0.05). It is necessary to increase the consumption of vitamin A food sources, especially during lactation to increase the content of vitamin A in breast milk to meet the needs of newborns and prevent vitamin A defi ciency both in mother and baby
