New Journal of Physics (Jan 2020)

Autoionization dynamics of helium nanodroplets resonantly excited by intense XUV laser pulses

  • Y Ovcharenko,
  • A C LaForge,
  • B Langbehn,
  • O Plekan,
  • R Cucini,
  • P Finetti,
  • P O’Keeffe,
  • D Iablonskyi,
  • T Nishiyama,
  • K Ueda,
  • P Piseri,
  • M Di Fraia,
  • R Richter,
  • M Coreno,
  • C Callegari,
  • K C Prince,
  • F Stienkemeier,
  • T Möller,
  • M Mudrich

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 8
p. 083043


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The ionization dynamics of helium droplets irradiated by intense, femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses is investigated in detail by photoelectron spectroscopy. Helium droplets are resonantly excited to atomic-like 2p states with a photon energy of 21.5 eV and autoionize by interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD). A complex evolution of the electron spectra as a function of droplet size (250 to 10 ^6 He atoms per droplet) and XUV intensity (10 ^9 –10 ^12 W cm ^−2 ) is observed, ranging from narrow atomic-like peaks that are due to binary autoionization, to an unstructured feature characteristic of electron emission from a nanoplasma. The experimental results are analyzed and interpreted with the help of a numerical simulation based on rate equations taking into account all relevant processes—multi-step ionization, electronic relaxation, ICD, secondary inelastic collisions, desorption of electronically excited atoms, and collective autoionization (CAI).
