Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional (Dec 2018)
[Article title missing]
Introduction. The performance of occupational roles can be a source of stress, tension and conflict, but can also be related to experiencing s satisfaction. Several studies have been carried out in the general population and in the elderly with the aim of analyzing this relationship. However, no research has been conducted on this topic in adults with physical disabilities. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of physical disability on the relationship between roles and life satisfaction in adults. Methods. The research was a cross-sectional study in which 42 adults with physical disabilities and 41 adults without physical disability completed the Satisfaction with Life Scale and a questionnaire about occupational roles that collected information on the number of roles performed by participants, volitional aspects of such roles and time dedicated to them. Results. Results showed a significant positive correlation between the number of roles and time spent in their performance and life satisfaction only in people with physical disabilities. The interaction between the presence of disability and the number of roles was a significant predictor of life satisfaction. However, no relationship was observed between volitional aspects of the roles performed and life satisfaction in either group. Conclusion. These results highlight the importance of conducting interventions that increase participation in various roles for people with physical disabilities.