Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Aug 2020)
視覺化校本線上專業學習社團運作圖像之初探 A Preliminary Study on the Visualization of Online SchoolBased Professional Learning Communities in Facebook Groups
諸多研究建議輔以網路社群促進實體教師社群的專業學習,文獻指出運用社會資本的觀點,有助於顯示社群內部如何透過社會互動、認知互動,以創造社群的價值,然而其效益仍有待系統化的探討。本研究旨在基於社會資本的觀點,視覺化分析不同領導行為的校內專業學習社群,其延伸運用 Facebook 社團功能之運作情形,以及個人專業成長之情形。由於相關研究顯示不同領導行為影響教師專業學習社群之運作效能,本研究針對同 儕式校長領導型、教師領導型兩種不同領導行為的小學教師專業學習社群,分別蒐集為期一年的線上發表討論、線上回應文字、文件分析、與教師晤談,並透過社會資本理論中的結構、關係、認知三大面向,結合學科教學知識形成分析架構。結果顯示,不同領導行為的 Facebook 社團中,皆符合教師專業學習社群的五個重要特徵。於結構面向,兩校皆以網路連繫作為 Facebook 社團的支持性條件;於關係面向,以能量與參與的視覺化互動圖,可觀察社群成員彼此互動情形,不同 Facebook 社團領導行為的兩校仍致力達成共享領導;於認知面向,不同領導行為會引向不同的共享願景,因而產生不同途徑的集體學習,以及不同類別的共享個人實務經驗。本研究的發現與建議可作為未來分析與實 施教師專業學習社群結合線上社群之參考。 Many studies have suggested that school-based professional learning communities (PLCs) should create online communities to promote teachers’ professional learning, but this topic still needs to be investigated more systematically. The purpose of this study is based on the social capital theory and visualization to analyze effectiveness in Facebook (FB) groups under two kinds of leadership styles and professional development among these teachers. Participants were the teachers of FB groups in two elementary schools in central Taiwan. Data collected for this study included posts and comments on Facebook, meeting recordings, curriculum documents, and individual interviews over a one-year period. Data were analyzed based on the theory of social capital and the concept of pedagogical content knowledge. Results indicate that the FB groups of the two kinds of leadership styles corresponded with the five key characteristics of the PLC model. In the dimension of structural social capital, network ties provided supportive conditions in both FB groups. In the dimension of relational social capital, it was possible to observe the interactions between members with a visualization diagram of energy and engagement, and PLCs of different kinds of leadership behaviors were still committed to the shared and supportive leadership in Facebook groups. In the dimension of cognitive social capital, different shared visions in the two FB groups led to different paths of intentional collective learning as well as different types of shared personal practice experiences. The implications of this study are of importance to educators and policymakers who are interested in using FB for professional development among elementary teachers.