Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Apr 2019)

國小教師團體凝聚力與組織效能關係之研究- 教師專業發展之中介效果 A Study of the Relationship between Group Cohesiveness and Organization Effectiveness in Elementary Schools -The Mediating Effect of Teachers’ Professional Development

  • 林湘芸 Hsiang-Yun Lin,
  • 黃靖文 Jing-Wen Huang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 83 – 102


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教師專業發展是否會影響教師之間的團體凝聚力與學校組織效能,是值得關注的重要議題。本研究目的主要探討國小教師的團體凝聚力、教師專業發展與組織效能之間的關係,以高雄市學年度公布之各級學校統計資料的公立國小教師為研究對象,採用問卷調查的 方式蒐集資料,以結構方程模式進行資料分析。本研究結果發現團體凝聚力對於教師專業發展與組織效能有正向且顯著的影響;教師專業發展對組織效能有正向且顯著的影響;本研究進一步論證教師專業發展在團體凝聚力與組織效能之間的關係扮演中介角色。 As it is worthwhile to explore the issue of how teachers’ professional development influences group cohesiveness and school organization effectiveness, this study probed into the relationships among group cohesiveness, teachers’ professional development, and organization effectiveness in elementary schools. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from a sample of public elementary school teachers based on statistical data published by the Education Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government. The results indicated that group cohesiveness had a positive and significant influence on teachers’ professional development and organization effectiveness. Teachers’ professional development also had a positive and significant influence on organization effectiveness. This study further demonstrated the mediating effect of teachers’ professional development on the relationship between group cohesiveness and organization effectiveness.
