Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI: Food Technology (Dec 2016)
The influence of far-red light on attributes of green bell pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum l.) during storage
Green bell peppers fruits, stored for 1 month at 8oC and 455% relative humidity in Far-Red light (FRL) and darkness respectively, were investigated in terms of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. The exposure to FRL slows down the water loss from fruits by stimulating the surface wax biosynthesis into a higher specific amount and hydrophobic nature and reducing the apertures, diameters of the pericarp cells, intercellular walls and dermal layer thicknesses. The higher level of catalase enzyme in the FRL-exposed fruits resulted in lower chilling injury index in comparison with the one in fruits exposed to darkness. FRL has favorable effect on chlorophyll and carotenoids accumulation rates. The multiplication of yeasts and molds on the surface of FRL-exposed bell peppers was significantly delayed as compared to the multiplication on the surface of the darkness-exposed bell peppers.