Metrology (Mar 2024)

Statistical Analysis of Measurement Processes Using Multi-Physic Instruments: Insights from Stitched Maps

  • Clement Moreau,
  • Julie Lemesle,
  • David Páez Margarit,
  • François Blateyron,
  • Maxence Bigerelle

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 141 – 163


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Stitching methods allow one to measure a wider surface without the loss of resolution. The observation of small details with a better topographical representation is thus possible. However, it is not excluded that stitching methods generate some errors or aberrations on topography reconstruction. A device including confocal microscopy (CM), focus variation (FV), and coherence scanning interferometry (CSI) instrument modes was used to chronologically follow the drifts and the repositioning errors on stitching topographies. According to a complex measurement plan, a wide measurement campaign was performed on TA6V specimens that were ground with two neighboring SiC FEPA grit papers (P#80 and P#120). Thanks to four indicators (quality, drift, stability, and relevance indexes), no measurement drift in the system was found, indicating controlled stitching and repositioning processes for interferometry, confocal microscopy, and focus variation. Measurements show commendable stability, with interferometric microscopy being the most robust, followed by confocal microscopy, and then focus variation. Despite variations, robustness remains constant for each grinding grit, minimizing interpretation biases. A bootstrap analysis reveals time-dependent robustness for confocal microscopy, which is potentially linked to human presence. Despite Sa value discrepancies, all three metrologies consistently discriminate between grinding grits, highlighting the reliability of the proposed methodology.
