EFSA Journal (Apr 2019)
Setting an import tolerance for 2,4‐D in soyabeans
Abstract In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the applicant Dow AgroSciences submitted a request to the competent national authority in Greece to set an import tolerance for the active substance 2,4‐D in genetically modified (GM) soyabeans imported from Canada and the USA. The genetic modification confers tolerance to the herbicide 2,4‐D. The data submitted in support of the request provided sufficient evidence to conclude that residues of parent 2,4‐D and of the metabolite 2,4‐dichlorophenol (2,4‐DCP), which was found in the GM soybeans treated with 2,4‐D, are unlikely to present a risk for consumers. Sufficiently validated analytical methods are available to enforce the proposed maximum residue level (MRL) in soybeans.