Bioethanol Production from Sugarcane Press-Mud: Assessment of the Fermentation Conditions to Reduce Fusel Alcohol
Nestor Sanchez,
Martha Cobo,
David Rodriguez-Fontalvo,
Miguel Ángel Uribe-Laverde,
Ruth Y. Ruiz-Pardo
Nestor Sanchez
Energy, Materials, and Environmental Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Processes, Faculty of Engineering, Campus Universitario Puente del Común, Universidad de La Sabana, Km. 7 Autopista Norte, Bogotá 140013, Colombia
Martha Cobo
Energy, Materials, and Environmental Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Processes, Faculty of Engineering, Campus Universitario Puente del Común, Universidad de La Sabana, Km. 7 Autopista Norte, Bogotá 140013, Colombia
David Rodriguez-Fontalvo
Energy, Materials, and Environmental Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Processes, Faculty of Engineering, Campus Universitario Puente del Común, Universidad de La Sabana, Km. 7 Autopista Norte, Bogotá 140013, Colombia
Miguel Ángel Uribe-Laverde
Grupo de Física y Matemáticas Aplicadas, Faculty of Engineering, Campus Universitario Puente del Común, Universidad de La Sabana, Km. 7 Autopista Norte, Bogotá 140013, Colombia
Ruth Y. Ruiz-Pardo
Grupo de Investigación en Procesos Agroindustriales, Faculty of Engineering, Campus Universitario Puente del Común, Universidad de La Sabana, Km. 7 Autopista Norte, Bogotá 140013, Colombia
Within a biorefinery context, bioethanol is a promising platform molecule since it can be used as raw material to produce a wide spectrum of valuable industrial products such as H2 and light olefins. However, the presence of impurities limits the conversion of bioethanol in these products. Herein, we aimed to determine the proper pretreatment and fermentation conditions to yield bioethanol with a low content of impurities, such as 3-methyl-1-butanol, by using sugarcane press-mud as feedstock. To do so, a Box-Behnken methodology was employed to select proper pretreatment and fermentation conditions. Factors assessed were temperature, stirring, and pH during fermentation of hydrolysates coming from two different pretreatment methods named as hydrothermal and acid hydrolysis. Results showed that the fermentation temperature should be kept between 26–30 °C to assure at least 91 g/L ethanol. The fusel alcohol content would be reduced by 22% at 30 °C, pH = 4.5, and 200 rpm if sugarcane press-mud is pretreated under acid hydrolysis conditions (T = 130 °C, t = 1 h, 16 g HNO3/kg solid). Further studies should aim to integrate these conditions within a biorefinery concept to yield valuable products such as H2 and ethylene.