Ресторанний і готельний консалтинг: Інновації (Jun 2020)
Modeling of the Receptural Composition Protein-carbon Semi-fabricates
Topicality. The creation of new combined products saves animal raw materials. The use of vegetable purees in the production of food is due to high nutritional and biological value. In view of the above, research aimed at the development of new types of semi-finished protein-based carbohydrates based on milk protein concentrates (MBC) with the addition of vegetable purees are relevant. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the technologies development of protein-carbohydrate (NBC) semi-finished products with the addition of vegetable purees and to perform the modeling of the recipe composition of protein-carbohydrate semi-finished products. The following research methods were used in the writing of the article: standard physicochemical, rheological, methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data using modern computer programs. Results. It is theoretically and experimentally substantiated the feasibility of using in the NBC technologies development on the basis of MBK of cuttings, mashed carrots and mashed pumpkin. The composition of new NBS was simulated, which made it possible to narrow the range of variation of the feedstock concentrations in further studies. It is established that the rational concentrations of recipe components for NBC from carrot puree are: mass fraction of MBK 50… 54 %, carrot puree 26… 30 %, sugar 8… 12 %, stabilizer 8… 12 %; for NBC pumpkin puree – MBC mass fraction 46… 50 %, pumpkin puree 30… 34 %, sugar 8… 12 %, stabilizer 8… 12 %. Conclusions and discussions. Developed and modeled NBC technologies using carrot and pumpkin puree to allow more efficient use of the nutritional potential of milk and its processing products in combination with carotene-containing vegetable raw materials. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the theoretical substantiation and experimental confirmation of the expediency of using MBK made from cuttings, puree from carotene-containing vegetable raw materials in NBC technologies.