Erga-Logoi (Dec 2024)
Studio sul dibattito tra Tullo e Fufezio nel libro III della Storia antica di Roma di Dionigi di Alicarnasso
ABSTRACT A study on the debate between Tullus and Fufetius in book III of Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman antiquities The panorama of rhetorical studies in historical works is strongly focused on various and canonical authors (as Thucydides, Xenophon, Polybius, Herodotus), but it lacks for what concerns Dionysius of Halicarnassus and his work Roman Antiquities. The purpose of the work here presented is to offer a perspective on Dionysius himself and on how he uses λόγοι in order to help build a cohesive narration. The importance of λόγοι is proved by the analysis of the conversation occurred between Tullus, king of Romans, and Fufetius, king of Albans. Considering the war between the Romans and the Albans as the central theme of Book III, we can identify sections that serve as introductions and conclusions to the action. The group of speeches under analysis can be seen as the beginning of the ascent towards the climax of the action, which is the war.