Cultivars Ploidy Influence on Variability of Some Red Clover Traits Important for Agriculture and Medicinal Purpose
Red clover also known as Trifolium pratense L., is a perennial allogame plant belonging to Trifolium genus and Fabaceae family. Besides its benefits in animal feed and soil improvement, red clover was studied as well for its medicinal properties, being used in different forms like essential oil, tea, pills and other. This study aimed to perform a comparative analysis on some diploid and tetraploid red clover cultivars regarding morphological and biochemical traits. The study was carried out between 2022 and 2023 on 90 red clover cultivars, divided into two samples represented by diploids and tetraploids. Tetraploids were superior to diploids in the 2nd year and inferior in the 3rd year. Regarding the polyphenols content, diploids showed higher values than tetraploids. Between diploids and tetraploids, there was a significant difference in the number of inflorescences/50g and inflorescence weight from the 3rd year.