Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Apr 2015)

「初」師表:實習教師的多元行政倫理反思之個案研究 A Case Study of Intern Teachers’ Reflections on Multiple Administrative Ethics

  • 陳成宏 Cheng-Hung Chen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 1 – 20


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本研究採行質性的個案研究途徑,自一所大學師資培育機構的101 學年當期實習教師(學生)群中,立意邀請三位大五實習生進行反思心得記錄,俾從實習教師的角度探討教育行政多元倫理的議題與實踐。自當學年八月初學期開始至十二月底的五個月時間內,研究參與者以「多元倫理典範」的相關文獻為參照基礎,針對其在實 習時之我思、我見、我經歷的教育行政多元倫理實務從事自我對話,並在彈性許可下隨時記錄個人反思或心得。實習教師的反思心得文本依照正義、批判、關懷與專業倫理等四架構進行實徵分析,初步研究結果有二點發現,一為教育行政多元倫理之議題與實踐的範圍廣泛多元,涵蓋排課、借課、招生、處室留守、在職進修、校 園開放、建教實習、建教分發、證照考試等議題;二為教育行政多元倫理之議題與實踐的內涵交錯穿插,具有較佳的廣度和縱深來回應教育行政多元倫理的複雜脈絡情境。本研究根據研究發現提出若干建議。 This study applied a qualitative case study approach to purposefully invite three participants from a group of 2012 school year intern teachers in a teacher education institution to engage in reflections with a view to exploring their perspectives on the issues and practices of multiple ethics in educational administration. Within an intern period of four months from August to November, the participants took the relevant literatures of multiple ethical paradigms as referential frameworks, and thereby held the self-dialogue to present their reflections on multiple ethics in educational administration. Accordingly, the results that were analyzed based on the four paradigms of justice, critique, care and profession presented two findings. One is that the scopes of issues and practices are so diverse that involve the fields of course schedule, course borrowing, student recruitment, emergency on duty, in-service learning, campus opening, practice and distribution, and certificate preparation. The other is that the implications of issues and practices are so intertwined, providing therefore better depth and breadth that are helpful for coping with the complex ethical contexts and situations in educational administration. Drawing from the research findings, this study proposed several recommendations.
