Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Dec 2017)
教師的課程詮釋如何回饋到政策學習?以新北市多元活化課程為例 How Teachers’ Curriculum Interpretations Affect Policy Learning: A Case Study on Multi-Activation Curriculum in New Taipei City
本研究旨在應用詮釋途徑探討新北市英語教師對多元活化課程的詮釋與實施方式,並對後續的政策學習提供建議。新北市領先全臺辦理活化課程,其中基層教育官員對政策的詮釋與本身的在地知識(local knowledge)皆難透過調查研究的數據展現,但這些因素卻 影響實際辦理方式與成效,故採用詮釋途徑,呈現不同觀點。雖然此政策歷經轉向,到現在已吹熄燈號,然而這項獨特的「新北經驗」應足以供未來相關的政策發展借鏡。本研究從 97 學年度參與活化試辦的學校中,選取三間大、中、小不同類型的學校,以立意 抽樣及滾雪球抽樣的方式,分別訪談校內願意進入本研究的英語教師、導師與行政人員共十二人。研究發現,受在地知識與政策脈絡影響,英語教師對多元活化課程政策目標有超越政策文本之詮釋。實施方式則能據專業判斷擬定方案,輔以在地知識執行,但受 組織恆常性、政策彈性大影響。英語教師肯定自己辦理多元活化課程之成效,其實施困境來自政策脈絡與在地知識。最後,根據本研究結果,對後續政策學習提出建議,包括維持並持續提升基層教育官員的專業自主能力、政策發展過程應保留對話空間與消化時 間、政策應訂定具體政策目標與評鑑指標,供教育決策當局參考之。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of the interpretive method to the curriculum interpretations and implementations of Multi-Activation Curriculum by English teachers in New Taipei City, and to provide suggestions for future policy learning. While New Taipei City takes the lead in implementing a Multi-Activation Curriculum in Taiwan, the streetlevel bureaucrats’ interpretations as well as their local knowledge of the process of implementing policy are difficult to demonstrate through empirical research data. These factors, however, did affect the actual teachers’ implementations and their results. Therefore the interpretation method was applied to analyze this policy from different aspects. Although this policy had changed three times and ended, this unique experience should be worthy as reference for related policies in the future. In this study, three schools of different types were chosen from the schools that had participated in the previous English Enrichment Curriculum. Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling methods were used to interview twelve people, including English teachers, homeroom teachers and administrative staff who were willing to participate. The results of the study found that these English teachers, affected by their local knowledge and policy contexts, interpreted the objectives of the Multi-Activation Curriculum beyond the texts of the policy. The ways that these English teachers implemented the policy were based on their professional competence and local knowledge, yet they were affected by the organization constancy and policy flexibility. Based on the results, this study provides the following suggestions to the policy authorities for future policy learning: maintaining and elevating the professional competence of street-level bureaucrats, providing space for policy discourse and time to digest along the process of policy development, in addition to framing the concrete policy objectives and evaluation indicators.