Jurnal Teknologi Pangan (Mar 2017)

PEMANFAATAN TEPUNG SAGU (Metroxylon Sp.) SEBAGAI BAHAN PENGISI SOSIS TEMPE : KAJIAN ORGANOLEPTIK DAN NILAI GIZI (Utilization Of Sago Flour (Metroxylon Sp.) As Tempe Sausage Fillers Substances: Appearance Assessment And Nutritional Values)

  • Djukrana Wahab,
  • Ansharullah reka pangan,
  • Abdu Rahman Baco,
  • Asfianty rekapangan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1


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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari komposisi tempe segar, tepung sagu dan ikan asap yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan produk sosis tempe dan mengetahui kandungan gizi (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein dan kadar serat) dari produk sosis tempe yang disukai. Perlakuan yang dilakukan adalah campuran tempe segar. Penelitian ini menggunakan lima perlakuan terdiri atas S0 = tempe segar: tepung sagu: ikan asap (100 : 0 : 0), S1 = tempe segar:tepung sagu:ikan asap = (70 : 10 : 20), S2 = tempe segar: tepung sagu: ikan asap (50 : 30 : 20), S3 = tempe segar:tepung sagu:ikan asap (30 : 50 : 20) serta S4 = tempe segar:tepung sagu:ikan asap (10 : 70 : 20). Variabel yang diamati penilaian organoleptik (warna, aroma, cita rasa dan tekstur) Penelitian disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penilaian organoleptik terhadap komposisi tempe segar, tepung sagu dan ikan asap dalam pembuatan produk sosis tempe yang disukai terdapat pada perlakuan S3 (komposisi tempe segar 30%, tepung sagu 50% dan ikan asap 20%) dengan skor organoleptik warna 3,93% (suka), aroma 4,23% (suka), rasa 4,10% (suka) dan tekstur 4,58% (suka). Sosis tempe yang dihasilkan pada perlakuan S3 mengandung nilai gizi: kadar air 63,97%, kadar abu 2,15%, kadar lemak 6,01%, kadar protein 23,28%, kadar serat 2,44%, dan kadar karbohidrat 2,34%. Kata kunci : ikan tuna asap, nilai gizi, sosis tempe, tepung sagu ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of fresh tempe, corn starch and smoked fish which could be used in the manufacture of tempe sausage products preferred by the panelists and to know the nutrient contents such as moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content and fiber content of tempe sausage products preferred by the panelists.The treatment was carried out through a mixture of fresh tempe flour. This study used five treatments consisting of S0 = fresh tempe: corn starch: smoked fish (100: 0: 0), S1 = fresh tempe:corn starch: smoked fish = (70: 10: 20), S2 = fresh tempe:sago flour: smoked fish (50: 30: 20), S3 = fresh tempe:corn starch:smoked fish (30: 50: 20) and S4 = fresh tempe:corn starch: smoked fish (10: 70: 20). Analysis of nutritional values such as moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content and fiber content were conducted in the product assessment.The results of research showed that the organoleptic assessment of the composition of fresh tempe, corn starch and smoked fish in the manufacture of tempe sausage products found in the panelists favored treatment of the composition of 30% fresh soybean, 50% corn starch and 20% smoked fish with a acceptance score of organoleptic color 3,93% (like), aroma 4.23% (like), taste of 4,10% (like) texture 4.58% (like). Tempe sausage produced in the treatment of 30% fresh tempe: 50% corn starch: 20% smoked fish contained such nutritional values as 63.97% moisture content, ash content of 2.15%, 6.01% fat content, protein content of 23.28%, 2.44% fiber content, and carbohydrate content 2,34%. Keywords: smoked fish, nutritional value, sago flour and tempe sausage