Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Jun 2011)
我國縣市政府教育處績效評估指標建構之研究 A study on Constructing Performance Evaluation Indicators for the Education Bureau of County(City) Government in Taiwan
一般行政機關皆強調依法行事,完成法定任務,但在新公共管理(New Public Management NPM),及課責(accountability) 潮流下, 公務員不只是以負責(responsibility)的態度依法行事,全力以赴外,還應以課責的理念來行事,課責不只是要負責,還要勇於任事,交出成果。1999 年地方制度法及教育基本法公布後,中央教育權限下放地方,地方教育行政機關依課責的理念,責無旁貸負起地方教育績效之責任,因此我國縣市政府教育處應建立地方教育績效評估制度,讓民眾瞭解地方教育經營的成果,以提升地方教育品質。績效評估重視效率(efficiency)與效能effectiveness),唯有先建構指標方能評估績效,因此本研究先蒐集教育部中程施政計畫(99 至102 年度),及十七縣市五院轄市教育局(處)施政計畫,以分件分析法初構教育處績效評估指標,再以焦點團體法訪談臺東縣政府教育處及臺東大學教授,最後以德懷術(Delphi method)問卷調查方式,請國內相關領域的教授評定,擬訂我國縣市政府教育處績效評估指標,分三個構面,及十四領域,八十個指標。 Our government administrative agencies always implement the legal duties according to the law; however, the officials do everything to the fullest not only with the ideals of accountability, but also with the responsible attitude towards the completion of given tasks, which they were led to the trend for the new public management as well as accountability. After the announcement of Local Government Act and Education Fundamental Law in 1999, the central government educational competence was empowered to the local government. From then on, the local educational authorities have taken full responsibilities of the regional educational performance. As a result, the Education Bureau of County(City) government in Taiwan should try best to improve local educational quality so as to make people have a clear picture of the local educational management performance. by establishing the local educational performance evaluation indicator system. Performance Evaluation has been put highly emphasis on efficiency as well as effectiveness. Only by establishing the indicator first can we evaluate the performance. Hence,this researcher, firstly, collects the mid-term policy implementation plan from Ministry of Education( the year of 99 to 102) and policy implementation plan from the Education Bureau of 17 counties and cities governments plus 5 administration districts. Secondly, he establishes the educational performance evaluation indicator in terms of literature review;thirdly, he uses the Focus Groups to interview the officials and professors from Taitung County Government Education Department and National Taitung University respectively.Last but not least, the reseacher, by applying the Delphi Method, invites the experts who specialized in relevant fields develop the educational performance evaluation indicator system which includes 3 dimensions, 14 fields and 80 indicators.