Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan (Aug 2017)

建構師資生閱讀理解策略課程模式:階段式學習責任移轉模式之應用 Constructing a Curriculum Model for Pre-service Teachers’ Reading Comprehension Strategies: Application of a Staged Model Based on a Gradual Release of Responsibility

  • 張純 Chun Chang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 1 – 28


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本研究旨在建構師資生閱讀理解策略課程模式,並探討此課程模式對師資生的影響。本課程融入學習責任移轉模式,針對理解監控及課文大意策略,建構出二層次四階段的課程模式,分別為學習策略及策略教學等二層次,以及認知、演練、實踐及省思等四階段,各階段皆採小組協同學習。本研究由研究者及4 位閱讀種子教師組成課程發展小組及9位師資生接受課程培訓,採質性研究方法蒐集相關資料,進行分析後,研究發現可歸納為三點:一、學習責任移轉模式,有助於師資生習得閱讀理解策略及教學;二、課程規劃實作,讓師資生更加掌握兩策略;三、小組協同學習,讓師資生得到支持的力量,增進對兩策略的瞭解。最後,針對閱讀理解策略的課程發展與實施提出建議。 This paper aims to construct a curriculum model on reading comprehension strategies, and to explore the effects of this curriculum model for pre-service teachers. Based on a gradual release of responsibility model, the constructed curriculum model consisted of two levels and four stages. The two levels were related to learning strategies on reading comprehension and the corresponding teaching strategies; the four stages were cognition, rehearsal, practice, and reflection. Participating pre-service teachers were engaged in group collaborative learning during each of these four stages. A curriculum development group was formed in this study, consisting of the researcher and 4 elementary seed teachers. Using the developed curriculum as the instructional materials, the researcher invited 9 pre-service teachers to participate in this study. Based on the collection and analysis of qualitative data, the research findings are concluded as follows. 1) The gradual release of responsibility model appeared to be helpful for pre-service teachers learning the reading comprehension strategies and how to teach them. 2) The practice stage of the curriculum model provided opportunities for pre-service teachers to master reading comprehension strategies. 3) Through group collaborative learning, pre-service teachers gained support to enhance their understanding of reading comprehension strategies. Finally, suggestions are provided in terms of curriculum development and practice for reading comprehension strategies.
