Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Tarbiyyaẗ - Asyūṭ
1110-2292 (Print) / 2536-961X (Online)
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The journal charges up to:
- 340 USD
as publication fees (article processing charges or APCs).
There is no waiver policy for these charges.
Look up the journal's:
- Aims & scope
- Instructions for authors
- Editorial Board
- Editorial review, Peer review, Anonymous peer review, Double anonymous peer review
→ This journal checks for plagiarism.
Best practice
This journal began publishing in open access in 2020. What does DOAJ define as Open Accesss?
This journal uses their publisher’s own license.
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The author does not retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.
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Journal metadata
- Publisher
- Faculty of Education at Assuit University , Egypt
- Manuscripts accepted in
- Arabic, English, French
- LCC subjects Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline
- Education
- Keywords
- education psychology educational technology